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How to use the date (and time) block

Learn everything you need to know to use the date (and time) block in your forms.

When to use

Use the date block to let your respondents select a date and optionally a time, for example to make an appointment.

Screenshot of a date block Tripetto
Demonstration of a date selection block.

How to use

Add a new block to your form and then select the question type Date. You can now customize this block to your needs with the following features:


  • Text
    Use the Text feature for the name/title of this block.
  • Description
    Enable the Description feature to add a description to this block.
  • Placeholder
    Enable the Placeholder feature to add a text inside the empty input control of this block.
  • Help text
    Enable the Help text feature to add a help text to this block.


  • Time
    Enable the Time feature to let your respondents also enter a time with the date.
  • Range
    Enable the Range feature to let the block ask for two dates, namely a From date and a To date. The form will automatically show two date fields if this feature is enabled.
  • Limits
    Enable the Limits feature to determine in between what dates the answered date(s) have to be. You can select the minimum and maximum date (including an optional time). Next to static date limits you can also determine if the date that your respondent selects has to be In the future and/or In the past. This will be checked at the moment the respondent fills out the form.
Screenshot of the form builder in Tripetto
Settings of the date block.


  • Required
    By default this block is not required to fill out by your respondents. Enable the Required feature to make this block required to fill out.
  • Visibility
    By default this block is visible in your form. Enable the Visibility feature to hide it for your respondents.
  • Alias
    By default the name/title of this block will be used in your dataset. Enable the Alias feature to use a different name in your dataset.
  • Exportability
    By default the collected data of this block will be stored to the dataset of each result. Enable the Exportability feature to take control over the storage. You can then include/exclude the data from your dataset. Please note that if you exclude data from the dataset you can never see and/or use the given answers from your respondents to this block, because the data is simply not stored at all.


Logic is important to make your forms smart and conversational. The date block can work with the following branch conditions to help you with that:

Block conditions

  • Date (and time) is equal to your filter;
  • Date (and time) is not equal to your filter;
  • Date (and time) is before your filter;
  • Date (and time) is after your filter;
  • Date (and time) is between your filters;
  • Date (and time) is not between your filters;
  • Date (and time) is empty;
  • Date (and time) is not empty.

If the Range is enabled, you can use these conditions for the From date and the To date separately.


When we mention your filter(s) above, there are some different filters that you can use to make the right comparison:

  • Current date/time - Compare with the current date (and time) of the moment of form usage by a respondent;
  • Fixed date/time - Compare with a fixed date (and time) that you enter;
  • Value - Compare with another block value entered in the form by a respondent (more info).


You can use the calculator block to perform calculations with given answers. The date block supports the following calculation operations:

  • Compare - Compare a date and output a value based on the result of the comparison;
  • Age - Calculate the age (time) between two points in time;
  • Year - Retrieve the year of a date;
  • Month - Retrieve the month of a date (1-12);
  • Day of month - Retrieve the day of month of a date (1-31);
  • Day of week - Retrieve the day of week of a date (0-6).

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