Building2 Min.

How to use the statement block

Learn everything you need to know to use the statement block in your forms.

When to use

Use the statement block to show a static block of text (including a quotation mark) without any input controls for your respondents.

Screenshot of a statement in Tripetto
Demonstration of a statement block with an image.

How to use

Add a new block to your form and then select the question type Statement. You can now customize this block to your needs with the following features:


  • Statement
    Use the Statement feature for the name/title of this block.
  • Description
    Enable the Description feature to add a description to this block.
  • Image
    Enable the Image feature to add an image to this block.
  • Help text
    Enable the Help text feature to add a help text to this block.


  • Visibility
    By default this block is visible in your form. Enable the Visibility feature to hide it for your respondents.
Screenshot of the form builder in Tripetto
Settings in the statement block.

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