Using logic2 Min.

How to use the raise error block

Use the raise error block if you want to show an error message to the respondent and prevent a form from submitting.

When to use

The raise error blocks shows an error message in your form without the possibility for your respondent to proceed and submit the form. This can be handy when a respondent for example entered an email address, but that email address does not meet your requirements for that address. Then you can show an error message explaining why the email address is not correct. And asking them to correct the given answer.

🚧 Warning

The raise error block prevents users from being able to complete your form. Therefore make sure you only add raise error blocks on the right places in your form's structure, for example in a branch that gets executed when a respondent hasn't entered a valid answer.

Screenshot of a raise error block in Tripetto
Demonstration of a raise error block.

How to use

The raise error block is available as a question type. Add a new block to your form and then select the question type Raise error. You can add it in any given position and in an unlimited amount inside your forms.

Screenshot of the form builder in Tripetto
Raise error blocks are available from the Question type menu.

You can now customize this block to your needs with the following features:


  • Error message
    Use the Error message feature for the name/title of this block.
  • Description
    Enable the Description feature to add a description to this block.
Screenshot of the form builder in Tripetto
Example of a raise error block, placed inside a branch if the respondent entered an invalid email address.


  • Status
    By default this block will be executed in your form. Enable the Status feature to disable the execution.

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