You can style all your forms completely to your needs, for example to meet your company's brand.
Customizing5 Min.2 Min.One of the options to style your form is using the right font. That can be a basic font, but also any Google Font or even a custom font.
Customizing3 Min.2 Min.By default Tripetto shows some Tripetto branding in your forms, but you can hide that in the Pro version of the WordPress plugin.
Customizing1 Min.One of the coolest things in Tripetto is you can switch each form between three different form layouts, giving your form a whole different look and feel.
Customizing3 Min.2 Min.The autoscroll form face has some additional settings and specific styling options and translatable messages.
Customizing3 Min.The progressbar in autoscroll forms gives your respondents an indication of what to expect from your form and the progress they made filling out the form.
Customizing4 Min.The chat form face has some additional settings and specific styling options and translatable messages.
Customizing3 Min.The classic form face has some additional settings and specific styling options and translatable messages.
Customizing3 Min.All text labels inside your Tripetto forms can be edited to meet your needs.
Customizing5 Min.2 Min.Tripetto is fully prepared to work in all languages. All we need is some good translations. You want to help us with that?
Customizing2 Min.