Customizing1 Min.

How to remove Tripetto branding in WordPress forms

By default Tripetto shows some Tripetto branding in your forms, but you can hide that in the Pro version of the WordPress plugin.

Why we show our branding

Showing our Tripetto branding inside forms has a high value for us in our growing ambitions. It's simply the best commercial spot we can have. Hopefully people that see your Tripetto forms want to know more about it by simply clicking on our name.

But of course we also understand and respect it when you don't want to show our branding to your users, for example when you use a form with a professional purpose. In that case you can simply hide it.

Remove Tripetto branding

Removing the Tripetto branding is one of the pro features in the Pro version of our plugin.

Purchase Tripetto Pro

First make sure you are using the Tripetto Pro version of the plugin. Click here to discover and purchase the Pro plan.

Hide Tripetto branding

In the Pro version of the plugin, open your form in the form builder. At the top menu bar of the form builder click CustomizeStyles. The style pane will show up on the right side of the form builder.

In the style pane you can now enable the option Hide all the Tripetto branding. Now refresh your form and you will see it no longer shows the Tripetto branding.

🧯 Troubleshooting: Branding still showing

It could be your browser uses a cached version of your form. In that case please perform a 'hard refresh' to the page your form is embedded in:

Windows: hold CTRL key + Click Refresh button in browser
MacOS: hold Apple key or CMD key + Click Refresh button in browser

This should load the latest version of the form, without the branding.

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