Boost your form completions with all the right logic.

Apply advanced logic to your form flows visually to make them smarter and only ask your audience the right questions for optimal response.

Get personal and stay on point with respondents.

It’s the logic, stupid.

  • Illustration representing Branch Logic

    Branch Logic

    Funnel respondents into the right follow-up flow.

  • Illustration representing Jump Logic

    Jump Logic

    Let respondents skip unnecessary questions.

  • Illustration representing Pipe Logic

    Pipe Logic

    Reuse prior answers to personalize follow-ups.

Branch Logic

Ask all the right questions all the time by funneling respondents only where their own previous inputs send them. Use the various so-called culling modes to present the perfect follow-up questions, tracks, and even loops.

  • Visual thumbnail for the video 'How to use branch logic'
  • Visual thumbnail for the video 'How to use branch conditions'
Also known as logic, logic flows, question logic and/or routing.


Let's say you're running a sport shop that wants to gather some customer feedback about their products. In such a case you could start with asking if your respondent has bought anything at all. If not, you could ask why not. And, in case they did make a purchase, the next step is to determine which product(s) were purchased. And after that, for each purchased product you can loop through a set of follow-up questions to get the right feedback.

Jump Logic

Keep things as appealing as possible by letting respondents automatically skip unnecessary questions based on their inputs as a way to prevent drop-offs and increase completion rates.

Also known as logic, logic jumps and/or routing.


In this use case we have a population screening regarding healthcare. We only want quality data, so we start with filtering respondents that didn't get any healthcare during the past year. We let that group jump to the end of the form immediately. And for all other respondents we include the desired questions, but also create some jumps to the right locations in the form; in this case based on the type of healthcare.

  • Visual thumbnail for the video 'How to use branch logic'
  • Visual thumbnail for the video 'How to use branch endings'

Pipe Logic

Completely personalize follow-up questions, tracks, and loops by smartly recalling and presenting preceding respondent inputs any time and anywhere you need them.

  • Visual thumbnail for the video 'How to show given answers with piping logic'
  • Visual thumbnail for the video 'How to use branch behaviors'
Also known as piping, question piping, answer piping, recall information and/or merge codes.


Imagine you're on IT support for your company. Employees can ask for support with a form that's focused on personal help. The form could start with gathering some personal information, so we know who’s asking for support. And we could use that input to give a short summary inside the form on the go. Next, the applicant can select multiple problems and for each problem point out what's wrong. We use the name of each selected problem in the follow-up.