Tutorial1 Min.

Styling forms and surveys

It's important you can style your forms and surveys exactly to your needs, so Tripetto helps you with this.

Common styling

Styling can help to give your respondents the right experience in your forms. Next to the fact it's fun to play with the styling, it can also be very important in case you're tied to a style guide or branding rules.

In general you can use the following styling options:

  • Colors;
  • Fonts (including all Google Fonts);
  • Background (color or image);
  • Inputs;
  • Buttons.
Screenshot of styling in Tripetto
Preview of styling a chat form face to a Whatsapp experience.

Form face styling

The mentioned styling options will be used in all different form faces we offer. So you can always switch between form faces and your styling will be persistant.

Next to that, each form face has some additional settings/options to finetune the experience of that specific form face.

Help articles

In our Help Center you can find more detailed help articles about styling your forms:

In this article