Tutorial2 Min.

Showing flexible closing messages based on given answers

Tripetto lets you create unlimited flexible closing messages, that will be shown based on the given answers of each respondent.

Common closing message

The closing message is shown right after a respondent completes the form. You can always show a common message that everyone will see after they completed the form.

Flexible closing messages

But if you're using logic inside your form, it's also possible to differentiate the closing message, based on the given answers of each respondent. By doing so, you can show a certain closing message to one respondent, and another closing message to a respondent that answered your questions differently.


It's also possible to automatically redirect to another URL after form completion. This is also fully flexible, so you can add flexible redirects based on the given answers.

Help articles

In our Help Center you can find more detailed help articles about flexible closing messages:

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