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Email notifications from WordPress not sent or marked as spam

If you use email notifications from your forms in WordPress, it can happen those are not sent properly, or marked as spam. This article contains a checklist to troubleshoot such issues.

Emails from Tripetto

Tripetto offers a few possibilities to send emails from your forms:

In WordPress it can happen that these emails get marked as spam or are not sent at all. Let us explain why that can happen.

Sending emails from WordPress

As every WordPress instance is different (from server setup to plugins and themes), the Tripetto plugin can not handle the email sending itself. That's why the plugin relies on the WordPress standards regarding email functionality: the wp_mail() function.

By default, the wp_mail() function of WordPress uses the PHPMailer function to create and send unauthenticated emails from the webserver.

Issues with the default WordPress mailer function can be caused by:

  • An incorrect or non-existing WordPress mailer configuration;
  • Your hosting platform not allowing the use of PHP for sending emails;
  • Using a sender address that's not allowed to send emails from your domain;
  • Incorrect or non-existing DNS records, resulting in your webserver not being allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain;
  • The use of an out-of-date or misconfigured plugin that replaces the default WordPress mailer function.


Please follow this checklist to investigate why your email notifications are not sent/received correctly:

1. Check WP mail configuration

First of all, make sure your WP installation is able to send mails using the default WordPress mailer function the correct way. Tripetto uses this email function to send your emails from WordPress. In fact, the Tripetto plugin itself does nothing to send emails; all is done by your own WP mail configuration. That's why it is important you know for sure your WP installation is able to send emails.

💡 Tip: Test your configuration

You can use other WP plugins to test if your WP installation is able to send mails, for example this plugin (install and use on your own responsibility).

If you're absolutely sure your WP installation is able to mail, but still don't receive the emails, please have a look at the below suggestions.

2. Check spam folder

Next, check your spam folder of your recipient email. Due to various reasons it can happen that your email client marks the email as spam.

3. Check Tripetto plugin version

Next, check which version of the Tripetto plugin you have installed via the Plugins section in your WP Admin. Make sure you have installed the latest version to stay up-to-date with features and bugfixes.

To update the Tripetto plugin to the latest version, please see our article about updating the plugin.

4. Check sender address

Next, check if you are using a sender email address that is allowed to send emails from your domain name. Due to security reasons not every email address is allowed to just send emails from your mail server.

You can configure the sender name and sender address that Tripetto uses to send emails from your forms. More information:

5. Other recommendations

Lastly, you can try the following to solve issues:

  • Check your email logs to see if you can find any reasons why the emails are not sent or not received;
  • Install, activate, and configure a plugin that replaces or extends the default WordPress mailer function. Most plugins use secure SMTP with authentication. Some plugins offer OAuth2.0 for authentication;
  • Or use the WordPress API and extend the wp_mail() function to configure secure SMTP with authentication.

📣 Footnotes

Keep in mind that some solutions will store your email account details to either wp-config or the database, making it a potential risk when your website/web server gets compromised.

We don’t recommend any specific plugins on this matter and don't provide support or instructions on how to use them.

Still having issues?

Despite the above checklist, you're still experiencing issues? Don't hesitate to submit a support ticket. We're happy to help you!

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