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How to connect form responses to automation tools

Automation tools are the glue between your Tripetto form responses and the online services that you want to automate. This article covers some of the most used automation tools.

When to use

Tripetto lets you collect data from your respondents in a smart way. That collected data on its own is already very valuable of course, but it becomes even more valuable if you let that data work for you automatically. And that's where automation tools come into the picture.

Automation tools enable you to connect different online services together, so you can automate workflows without any manual actions. In the case of Tripetto you can automate workflows when a new form response gets submitted and use the submitted data in those workflows. The automation tool is the place where you build such workflows. Therefore you can say that the automation tool is the glue between your Tripetto form responses and any other online services that you connect it with.


There are lots of possible connections you could think of, but these are some popular services that help you with everyday tasks:

Automation tools

There are lots of automation tools that you can use to build your workflows. Tripetto offers direct integrations with the most used automation tools, namely:

  • Make;
  • Zapier;
  • Pabbly Connect.

Next to these often used automation tools, it's also possible to connect to any other automation tool that can receive data from a webhook. Or you can even use you own custom endpoint to receive the data and automate it from there on.

💡 Tip: Choose your automation tool wisely

Make, Zapier and Pabbly Connect are some examples, but there are lots of other automation tools that you can use. It depends on your own needs, wishes and budget which tool fits you best. That's why we advise to have a close look at the features and pricings before you select a certain automation tool.

Make is our preferred automation partner that helps you to connect your Tripetto response data to other online services. They offer a Tripetto app to help you with this.

Zapier is one of the earliest and well known automation tools. You can connect your Tripetto form responses via Zapier's Webhook app.

Pabbly offers an automation tool that helps you to connect your Tripetto response data to other online services: Pabbly Connect. They offer a Tripetto app to help you with this.

Other automation tools

There are lots of alternative automation tools and to connect with those, Tripetto also offers an option to connect to any other webhook URL.

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