Tutorial2 Min.

Creating flows based on given answers

Make your forms and surveys smart by reacting to the given answers of your respondents and only show the right questions.

Branch logic

You can use branch logic to check if a respondent meets your conditions to get a certain follow-up in your form (or not). This way you make your forms as compact as possible, resulting in higher completion rates.

Inside the form builder you use branch conditions and branch behavior to compose the right branch track.

Branch conditions

The branch conditions determine which check(s) should be performed to show a certain follow-up (or not). You can combine endless conditions to get the perfect fit.

Branch behaviors

The branch behavior determines how the branch conditions should be judged:

  • For the first condition match (logical OR);
  • When all conditions match (logical AND);
  • When no conditions match (logical NOT);
  • For each condition match (logical FOR).

Skip logic

After each branch you can determine what should happen next with skip logic. For example skip to a certain part of your form, or skip to the end with a closing message.

The form builder helps you with that by setting the right branch ending.

Branch endings

The branch ending determines how the form should continue after that branch:

  • Continue with the next section or branch;
  • Jump to a specific point;
  • Jump to end;
  • End with closing message.

Help articles

In our Help Center you can find more detailed help articles about branch and jump logic:

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