Tutorial1 Min.

Getting automatic Slack notifications

Tripetto can send you automatic Slack notifications for each new entry.

Slack notifications

By enabling Slack notifications, Tripetto will send a notification to a Slack channel for each newly completed form entry. This lets you keep track of the entries, without logging into Tripetto.

Form data

To make this even more easy, you can also include all form data from the entry inside the Slack notification that you receive. That helps you to quickly get insights of the entry and determine if you have to take action.

Slack's reactions and threads

A big benefit of Slack notifications is you can use Slack's built in features to easily keep track of each entry. For example by using Slack's reactions to mark an entry as seen and by using Slack's threads to discuss the entry with your team.

Help articles

In our Help Center you can find a more detailed help article about Slack notifications:

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