Using logic3 Min.

How to verify passwords with password match

The password block can be used to verify a password inside your form and you can use the outcome of that verification in branch logic.

When to use

You can use the password check if your form is (partly) for members only. If you make sure your members know the password, only they can access your form.

Screenshot of a password block in Tripetto
Demonstration of a password block.

📌 Also see: More logic possibilities

The logic described in this article is just one example of what Tripetto can do to make your forms smart. Have a look at this article to see all logic capabilities:

How to use

For this example we already added a password block to our form that our respondents can use to enter the password in the form.

Create branch

Now we create a branch with a Password match condition and we open that branch condition to set the desired password that our respondents have to match.

We enter the password twice, so we're sure it's the right password. The password indicator at the top will transform to green and will say the password is set. Because of Tripetto's password protection method (see below) you won't see your password anymore, but as long as the password indicator is green, the password is set correctly.

Screenshot of the form builder in Tripetto
Adding a branch with a password match.

Add follow-up

Now we have setup the password match branch, we can add the desired question blocks of our form that only will be visible after our respondent entered the right password we set.

Password data security

Tripetto never stores the password you set as branch match. Instead we use asymmetric cryptography to verify passwords without knowing them.

By default the passwords entered inside the form by your respondents are not saved for security reasons. We advise to don't save those password, but you can overrule that and save the entered passwords.

🚧 Warning: Storing password

By default the password block does not store entered passwords in your form. If you choose to store the passwords nonetheless, please make sure you are always careful with using your dataset, as it contains vulnerable information.

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