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Pause and resume

It is possible to pause and resume a form. That allows a respondent to temporarily stop filling in a form and then continue at a later moment. Not only the submitted data is stored, but also the actual state of the runner. That allows the runner to return to the exact state the respondent left it in. The form state is stored in an ISnapshot object.

There are two ways you can implement pause and resume:


When using the built-in pause function, the form terminates when paused (a pause confirmation message is shown to the respondent). So the form needs to be resumed, before the respondent can continue with the form. The snapshot function allows saving the form state, without actually pausing the form.

⏸️ Pause a form

To use the built-in pause function of the runner you need to implement the onPause event. This enables the pause function in the runner and displays a pause button in the runner UI. There are two options for the pause button:

The second option is useful when you want to retrieve the respondent's email address. For example, you want to send an email message to the respondent with a resume link for the form.

When a form is paused an ISnapshot object will be created. You need to store this JavaScript object since you need it to resume a session later. When the pause operation succeeds, the form pauses, and a confirmation message is presented to the respondent.

Direct pause

To enable the direct pause feature, use the following code. It enables the pause button in the runner UI. When the respondent clicks the pause button, the state of the runner is stored, and the onPause event invoked. Use a Promise to indicate the result of the operation.

import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";

definition: /* Supply your form definition here */,
onPause: (snapshot) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// This example uses fetch to post snapshot data to an endpoint
fetch("/example-server", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(snapshot),
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
// All good, resolve the promise
} else {
// Not so good, reject the promise
.catch((error) => {
// Error occurred, reject with error message

Ask for email address and then pause

When you need the respondent's email address to pause the form, use the following code. It asks the respondent for its email address first.

import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";

definition: /* Supply your form definition here */,
onPause: {
recipe: "email",
onPause: (emailAddress, snapshot) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// This example uses fetch to post snapshot data to an endpoint
fetch("/example-server", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
// All good, resolve the promise
} else {
// Not so good, reject the promise
.catch((error) => {
// Error occurred, reject with error message

⏯️ Retrieve snapshot without pausing

If you don't want to pause the form but still want to store the state of the form, you can use the form snapshot. This snapshot contains the same data as generated when pausing a form, but in this case, the form remains active.

import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";

// We need a reference to the runner to retrieve the snapshot.
const runner = await run({
definition: /* Supply your form definition here */

// Now we can retrieve the snapshot

If you want to keep form sessions persistent in the local storage of the respondent's browser, you can also use the persistent feature. That feature stores the form snapshot in the local storage of the browser when the respondent leaves the form. When the respondent returns to the form, the session resumes using the snapshot data from the local storage.

▶️ Resume a form

When you have stored the snapshot data, you can resume a form by feeding the snapshot back to the runner.

import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";

definition: /* Supply your form definition here */,
snapshot: /* Supply a form snapshot here */

The structure of the form should not change between pausing (or saving the snapshot) and resuming it. To ensure data consistency, Tripetto compares the fingerprint of the form definition with the fingerprint stored in the snapshot. If there is a mismatch, the form is not resumed, and a new form session is initiated instead.

✅ Validating a snapshot

Using the available JSON Schema for the ISnapshot data object, you can implement static validation using a JSON Schema validator. You need a validator for the language or framework you are using. For example, if you use Node.js you can use Ajv or Hyperjump to validate the snapshot data.

📥 Download JSON Schema for ISnapshot


There is a list of validators on the JSON Schema website.


The following example shows how to set up validation using the JSON Schema.

// Make sure to install ajv first: `npm i ajv`
import Ajv from "ajv";

// Download the schema for the Tripetto Snapshot object and make it available to your code
import tripettoSnapshotSchema from "tripetto-snapshot.schema.json";

const ajv = new Ajv({
validateSchema: false

const validate = ajv.compile(tripettoSnapshotSchema);

// Now you can validate the snapshot data
if (validate(/* Supply your snapshot object here */)) {
// All good!

📖 Reference

Have a look at the complete autoscroll runner API reference for detailed documentation. In the examples above, the following symbols were used: