Dropdown class
📖 Description
The Dropdown
class defines a dropdown control for the Tripetto builder. It is derived from the DataControl
📺 Preview

🆕 constructor
Creates a new Dropdown
(IOption | IOptionGroup)[] |
((done: (options: IOption | IOptionGroup[]) => void) => void),
value: any | Binding,
style?: IDropdownStyle
): Dropdown
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
options | (IOption | IOptionGroup )[] | ((done: (options: IOption | IOptionGroup []) => void) => void) | No | Specifies the option array or a function in case you want to load the options asynchronously. |
value | any | Binding | No | Specifies the initially selected value or a data binding created with bind . |
style | IDropdownStyle | Yes | Specifies the style (when omitted the default global style will be used). |
Return value
Returns a reference to the new Dropdown
📌 Statics
🏷️ style
Contains the global default style for the dropdown control.
🔧 bind
Binds an object property to the control allowing its value to update automatically when the value of the control changes. If the control is disabled or invisible, the supplied valueWhenInactive
is automatically set as the property value. When a control is enabled and visible, the supplied defaultWhenActive
is set automatically if the property value is currently not defined.
bind<Target, P extends keyof Target>(
target: Target,
property: P,
valueWhenInactive: any,
defaultWhenActive?: any,
modifier?: (value?: any) => any
): Binding;
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
target | Target | No | Reference to the target object which contains the property. |
property | P | No | Specifies the name of the property. |
valueWhenInactive | any | No | Specifies the value which is set to the property when the control is inactive (disabled or invisible). |
defaultWhenActive | any | Yes | Specifies the default (initial) value that will be used when the control is active (enabled and visible). |
modifier | (value?: any) => any | Yes | Specifies a modifier function for the data. |
Return value
Returns a Binding
instance that can be used in the controls constructor to bind a value to a control.
import { Forms } from "@tripetto/builder";
const example = {
selected: "a"
const dropdown = new Forms.Dropdown(
label: "Option A",
value: "a"
label: "Option B",
value: "b"
Forms.dropdown.bind(example, "selected", "a"));
🗃️ Fields
🏷️ hasFocus
Retrieves if the control has input focus.
🏷️ isDisabled
Sets or retrieves if the control is disabled.
🏷️ isLocked
Sets or retrieves if the control is locked (readonly).
🏷️ isObservable
Retrieves if the control is observable.
🏷️ isRequired
Sets or retrieves if the control is required.
🏷️ isVisible
Sets or retrieves the visibility of the control.
🏷️ style
Contains the dropdown control style.
🏷️ value
Sets or retrieves the selected value.
▶️ Methods
🔧 blur
Blurs the focus of the control.
blur(): void
🔧 disable
Disables the control.
disable(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 disabled
Specifies the state of the control.
disabled(disabled?: boolean): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
disabled | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the control is disabled (default is true ). |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 enable
Enables the control.
enable(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 focus
Sets the focus to the control.
focus(): boolean
Return value
Returns true
if the focus is set.
🔧 hide
Hides the control.
hide(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 indent
Enables control indentation. This can only be set during construction.
indent(size: number): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
size | number | No | Specifies the indent size in pixels. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 label
Sets the label for the control.
label(label: string): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
label | string | No | Specifies the control label. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 lock
Locks the control.
lock(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 locked
Specifies if the control is locked (readonly).
locked(locked?: boolean): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
locked | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the control is locked/readonly (default is true ). |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 markdown
Specifies if the label should support markdown formatting.
markdown(options?: IMarkdownOptions): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
options | IMarkdownOptions | Yes | Specifies the markdown options. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 on
Specifies the function which is invoked when the dropdown selection is changed.
on(fn: (dropdown: Dropdown) => void): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
fn | (dropdown: Dropdown ) => void | No | Specifies the change function. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 optionDisabled
Sets or retrieves the disabled state of the specified option or the current option if no option value is specified.
optionDisabled(value?: any, disabled?: boolean): boolean
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
value | any | Yes | Specifies the option value. |
disabled | boolean | Yes | Specifies the disabled state. |
Return value
Returns the disabled state.
🔧 optionLabel
Sets or retrieves the label of the specified option or the current option if no option value is specified.
optionLabel(value?: any, label?: string): string
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
value | any | Yes | Specifies the option value. |
label | string | Yes | Specifies a new label for the option. |
Return value
Returns the label.
🔧 options
Sets the options for the dropdown.
options(options: (IOption | IOptionGroup)[]): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
options | (IOption | IOptionGroup )[] | No | Specifies an array of options. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 placeholder
Sets a placeholder for the control.
placeholder(placeholder: string): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
placeholder | string | No | Specifies the placeholder string. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 readonly
Makes the control readonly.
readonly(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 require
Makes the control required.
require(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 required
Specifies if the control is required.
required(required?: boolean): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
required | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the control is required (default is true ). |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 select
Selects the specified option.
select(value: any): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
value | any | No | Specifies the option value. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 show
Shows the control.
show(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 unlock
Unlocks the control.
unlock(): this
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 visible
Specifies the visibility of the control.
visible(visible?: boolean): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
visible | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the control is visible (default is true ). |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
🔧 width
Sets the width of the control.
width(width: number | "auto" | "full"): this
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
width | number | "auto" | "full" | No | Specifies the control width in pixels or sets the width to auto or full . |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Dropdown
instance to allow chaining.
⛓️ Interfaces
🔗 IDropdownStyle
Describes the interface for the dropdown styles.
Type declaration
interface IDropdownStyle {
/* Dropdown appearance. */
appearance?: IStyles;
/* Options. */
options?: IStyles;
/* Option groups. */
optGroups?: IStyles;
/* Placeholder option. */
placeholder?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown label. */
label?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown disabled. */
disabled?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown required. */
required?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown locked. */
locked?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown focus. */
focus?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown hover. */
hover?: IStyles;
/* Validation passed. */
passed?: IStyles;
/* Validation failed. */
failed?: IStyles;
/* Validation awaiting. */
awaiting?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown when fused with form card. */
fused?: {
/* Dropdown appearance. */
appearance?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown label. */
label?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown required. */
required?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown locked. */
locked?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown focus. */
focus?: IStyles;
/* Dropdown hover. */
hover?: IStyles;
/* Validation passed. */
passed?: IStyles;
/* Validation failed. */
failed?: IStyles;
/* Validation awaiting. */
awaiting?: IStyles;
🔗 IOption
Describes the interface for a dropdown option.
Type declaration
interface IOption {
/* Label for the option. */
label: string;
/* Value for the option. */
value: any;
/* Specifies if the option is disabled. */
disabled?: boolean;
/* Specifies an indentation level for an option. */
indent?: number;
🔗 IOptionGroup
Describes the interface for a dropdown option group.
Type declaration
interface IOptionGroup {
/* Label for the option group. */
optGroup: string;