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The @tripetto decorator is used to register the builder part of node and condition blocks. It can be used to register the following classes:

  • NodeBlock: A block that can be assigned to a node (this can be a visual block or a headless block);
  • ConditionBlock: A block that can be assigned to branch conditions.

See the blocks documentation to learn how to develop custom blocks.

Decorator type

Class ℹ️

Applies to

Decorator signature

@tripetto(properties: INodeBlockDecorator | IConditionBlockDecorator)

Decorator parameters

propertiesINodeBlockDecorator | IConditionBlockDecoratorNoSpecifies the block properties that implicitly determine the type of block.


import { tripetto, _, NodeBlock, ConditionBlock } from "@tripetto/builder";

// Register a node block
type: "node",
identifier: "example-block",
get label() {
return _("Example");
icon: /* Icon for the block. */
class ExampleBlock extends NodeBlock {
// Block implementation here

// Register a condition block
type: "condition",
identifier: "example-block-condition",
context: ExampleBlock,
get label() {
return _("Condition for the example block");
icon: /* Icon for the block. */
class ExampleCondition extends ConditionBlock {
// Block implementation here

⛓️ Interfaces

🔗 INodeBlockDecorator

Describes the interface for registering a NodeBlock.

Type declaration
interface INodeBlockDecorator {
  type: "node";
  identifier: string;
  label: string;
  icon: SVGImage | string;
  version?: string;Optional
  alias?: string | string[];Optional
  namespace?: string | string[];Optional
  kind?: "ui" | "headless";Optional
🖱️ Hover with the mouse over a property name for a tooltip with the description of that property. Click it for more information.

🏷️ alias

Specifies optional type aliases (alternative type identifiers for the block).


string | string[]

🏷️ icon

Specifies the icon image for the block (either an URL or Base64-encoded image data).


See the Block icon guide for more information about the block icon.


SVGImage | string

type: "node",
identifier: "example-block",
label: "Example block",
icon: ""

🏷️ identifier

Specifies the unique type identifier for the block.



🏷️ kind

Specifies the kind of block. Can be one of the following values:

  • ui: Specifies the block needs a user interface in the runner (this is the default kind);
  • headless: Specifies the block is headless (doesn't need a user interface).

"ui" | "headless"

🏷️ label

Specifies the localized block label (if you use gettext, return the localized string using a getter function).



import { _, tripetto } from "@tripetto/builder";

get label() {
return _("Example");

🏷️ namespace

Specifies the namespace(s) for the block.


string | string[]

🏷️ type

Specifies to register a node block.



🏷️ version

Specifies the version of the block in SemVer format (defaults to 0.0.0).



🔗 IConditionBlockDecorator

Describes the interface for registering a ConditionBlock.

Type declaration
interface IConditionBlockDecorator {
  type: "condition";
  identifier: string;
  context: "*" | "section" | "branch" | "node" | string | typeof NodeBlock
  label: string;
  icon: SVGImage | string;
  version?: string;Optional
  alias?: string | string[];Optional
  namespace?: string | string[];Optional
  autoOpen?: boolean;Optional
🖱️ Hover with the mouse over a property name for a tooltip with the description of that property. Click it for more information.

🏷️ alias

Specifies optional type aliases (alternative type identifiers for the block).


string | string[]

🏷️ autoOpen

Specifies if the condition editor panel in the builder should automatically open when the condition is added to the form.



🏷️ context

Specifies the block context. Can be one of the following values:

  • *: The block defines a global condition (it can be used anywhere and it is not dependent on a section, branch, node or block type);
  • section: The block defines a condition that applies to a section;
  • branch: The block defines a condition that applies to a branch;
  • node: The block defines a condition that applies to a node;
  • typeof NodeBlock: Specifies the NodeBlock type to which the condition applies;
  • The type string identifier of the NodeBlock type to which the condition applies.

"*" | "section" | "branch" | "node" | string | typeof NodeBlock

🏷️ icon

Specifies the icon image for the block (either an URL or Base64-encoded image data).


See the Block icon guide for more information about the block icon.


SVGImage | string

type: "condition",
identifier: "example-block",
context: "*",
label: "Example block",
icon: ""

🏷️ identifier

Specifies the unique type identifier for the block.



🏷️ label

Specifies the localized block label (if you use gettext, return the localized string using a getter function).



import { _, tripetto } from "@tripetto/builder";

get label() {
return _("Example");

🏷️ namespace

Specifies the namespace(s) for the block.


string | string[]

🏷️ type

Specifies to register a condition block.



🏷️ version

Specifies the version of the block in SemVer format (defaults to 0.0.0).

