EditorOrchestrator class
📖 Description
The EditorOrchestrator
class instance is supplied to the @editor
decorated method of a NodeBlock
, ConditionBlock
or Collection.Item
. It is used to define UI controls for editing the properties of an item. Those properties can be edited in the builder using an editor panel that is automatically generated. The EditorOrchestrator
class contains methods that supply out-of-the-box components for managing often used properties, like the name, description, and alias of a block. But it also allows to add custom forms for managing properties.
The EditorOrchestrator
instance is only available within the method of the NodeBlock
marked with the @editor
decorator. The instance is supplied as argument to that decorated method or through the editor
property of the NodeBlock
See the Block editor guide for more information about editor panels.
🗃️ Fields
🏷️ features
Retrieves a reference to the features of an editor panel.
🏷️ groups
Retrieves the group templates with common used groups titles used in the feature list of an editor panel.
This property is only available for node blocks.

/* Group title for general features. */
general: () => string,
/* Group title for settings. */
settings: () => string,
/* Group title for options. */
options: () => string,
🏷️ reference
Reference to the element being edited.
| ConditionBlock
| Collection.Item
▶️ Methods
🔧 alias
Adds the alias feature that manages the alias
property of the supplied object.
This method is only available for node blocks.

ref: {
alias?: string
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
ref | object | No | Specifies the object with the alias property to manage. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 description
Adds the description feature which manages the description
property of the Node
This method is only available for node blocks.

locked?: boolean,
label?: string,
supportVariables: boolean | "validated" | "exclude"
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
locked | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the feature is locked (default is false ). |
label | boolean | Yes | Specifies the label for the feature (default is Description ). |
supportsVariables | boolean | "validated" | "exclude" | Yes | Specifies if markdown variables inside the description are supported (default is true ). Can be one of the following values:- boolean: Specifies if variables are supported or not; - validated : Specifies to only include validated variables (basically these are all the variables prepending the current block);- exclude : Specifies to include all variables, except those of the current block itself. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 close
Closes the editor panel.
close(): boolean
Return value
Returns true
if the panel was closed.
🔧 collection
Adds a collection control that can manage the items in a collection. For example, the dropdown options of a dropdown block.

collection(properties: Collection.IProperties): Collection.Card
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
properties | Collection.IProperties | No | Specifies the collection properties. |
Return value
Returns the new Collection.Card
import { _, tripetto, definition, name, Collection, NodeBlock } from "@tripetto/builder";
class DropdownOption extends Collection.Item<Dropdown> {
name = "";
type: "node",
identifier: "dropdown",
label: "Dropdown",
icon: ""
class Dropdown extends NodeBlock {
// This is the collection that contains the dropdown options
options = Collection.of<DropdownOption, Dropdown>(DropdownOption, this);
onEdit(): void {
collection: this.options,
title: _("Dropdown options"),
placeholder: _("Unnamed option"),
sorting: "manual",
editable: true,
emptyMessage: _("Click the + button to add an option...")
🔧 explanation
Adds the explanation feature which manages the explanation
property of the Node
This method is only available for node blocks.

explanation(): Components.Feature
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 exportable
Adds the exportable feature that manages the exportable
property of the supplied object.
This method is only available for node blocks.

ref: {
exportable?: boolean
includedByDefault?: boolean,
label?: string
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
ref | object | No | Specifies the object with the exportable property to manage. |
includedByDefault | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the data is exportable by default (so when this feature is unchecked, default is true ). |
label | string | Yes | Specifies the label for the required checkbox. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 form
Adds a custom form.
form(properties: Forms.IFormProperties): Form
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
properties | Forms.IFormProperties | No | Specifies the form properties. |
Return value
Returns the new Form
import { tripetto, editor, NodeBlock } from "@tripetto/builder";
type: "node",
identifier: "example-block",
label: "Example",
icon: ""
class ExampleBlock extends NodeBlock {
example: boolean;
onEdit(): void {
title: "Toggle the example property",
controls: [
new Forms.Checkbox(
"Example checkbox",
Forms.Checkbox.bind(this, "example", false)
🔧 group
Adds a group label in the features list.
group(label: string): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
label | string | No | Specifies the group label. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 name
Adds the name feature which manages the name
property of the Node
This method is only available for node blocks.

toggle?: boolean,
multiline?: boolean,
label?: string,
supportVariables: boolean | "validated" | "exclude"
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
toggle | boolean | Yes | Specifies if the name visibility can be toggled (default is true ). This controls the nameVisible property of the Node . |
multiline | boolean | Yes | Specifies if multiline text is supported (default is true ). |
label | boolean | Yes | Specifies the label for the feature (default is Text ). |
supportsVariables | boolean | "validated" | "exclude" | Yes | Specifies if markdown variables inside the description are supported (default is true ). Can be one of the following values:- boolean: Specifies if variables are supported or not; - validated : Specifies to only include validated variables (basically these are all the variables prepending the current block);- exclude : Specifies to include all variables, except those of the current block itself. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 numeric
Adds a numeric feature that automatically creates a feature slot. Can be used, for example, to add a calculator feature to a block.
This method is only available for node blocks.

numeric(properties: {
/* Reference to the target `NodeBlock`. */
target: {
slots: Slots;
/*Specifies the slot reference. */
reference: string;
/* Specifies the slot sequence number. */
sequence?: number;
/* Specifies the slot label. */
label: string;
/* Specifies the name of the feature. */
name: string;
/* Specifies an optional title for the feature. */
title?: string;
/* Optional description. */
description?: string;
/* Optional paired feature or card. */
pair?: Components.Feature | Components.Card | (() => Components.Feature | Components.Card);
/* Specifies if the slot is exportable or not (default is `false`). */
exportable?: boolean;
/* Specifies if the slot is protected or not (default is `true`). */
protected?: boolean;
/* Specifies scores to display inside the feature. */
scores?: Forms.Numeric[];
/* Specifies a collection that holds the scores. */
collection?: Collection.Card;
/* Specifies if the alias setting needs to be hidden. */
hideAlias?: boolean;
/* Allows to specify additional controls with custom options. */
customOptions?: (position: "top" | "bottom") => (Control | Group)[] | undefined;
/* Invoked when the slot has changed. */
onChange?: (slot: NumericSlot) => void;
}): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
properties | object | No | Specifies the properties for the numeric feature. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
// Import the calculator
import { calculator } from "@tripetto/block-calculator";
// Use this code snippet to add a numeric feature with the calculator
target: this,
reference: "calculator",
label: _("Calculation"),
name: _("Calculator"),
pair: this.editor.collection(calculator(this))
🔧 option
Adds an optional feature with a form or collection.
option(properties: {
/* Name for the option. */
name: string;
/* Specifies if the option is activated. */
activated?: boolean;
/* Specifies if the option is visible. */
visible?: boolean;
/* Specifies if the option is disabled. */
disabled?: boolean;
/* Specifies if the option is locked. */
locked?: boolean;
/* Specifies a function that is invoked when the option is toggled. */
on?: (feature: Components.Feature) => void;
/* Specifies a function that is invoked when the option is shown or hidden. */
onVisible?: (feature: Components.Feature) => void;
/* Specifies a function that is invoked when the option is disabled or enabled. */
onDisable?: (feature: Components.Feature) => void;
/* Specifies a function that is invoked when the option is locked or unlocked. */
onLock?: (feature: Components.Feature) => void;
} & (
| {
/* Form properties in case of a form. */
form?: Forms.IFormProperties;
| {
/* Collection properties in case of a collection. */
collection?: Collection.IProperties;
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
properties | object | No | Specifies the properties for the option. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
import { tripetto, editor, isBoolean, NodeBlock } from "@tripetto/builder";
type: "node",
identifier: "example-block",
label: "Example",
icon: ""
class ExampleBlock extends NodeBlock {
example?: boolean;
onEdit(): void {
// The feature is activated when `example` is a valid boolean value
activated: isBoolean(this.example),
name: "Example feature",
form: {
title: "Feature for managing the optional example field",
controls: [
new Forms.Checkbox(
"Example checkbox",
// When the feature is activated and `example` is undefined, its initial value is set to `true`
Forms.Checkbox.bind(this, "example", undefined, true)
🔧 placeholder
Adds the placeholder feature which manages the placeholder
property of the Node
This method is only available for node blocks.

placeholder(...additionalPlaceholders: (Control | Group)[]): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
...additionalPlaceholders | (Forms.Control | Forms.Group )[] | Yes | Specifies additional controls. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 required
Adds the required feature that manages the required
property of the supplied object.
This method is only available for node blocks.

ref: {
required?: boolean
label?: string,
onChange?: (required: boolean) => void
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
ref | object | No | Specifies the object with the required property to manage. |
label | string | Yes | Specifies the label for the required checkbox. |
onChange | (required: boolean) => void | Yes | Specifies a function that is invoked when the required prop of ref has changed. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 scores
Adds the scores feature.
This method is only available for node blocks.

scores(properties: {
/* Reference to the target `NodeBlock`. */
target: {
slots: Slots;
/* Optional description. */
description?: string;
/* Specifies if the score slot is exportable or not (default is `false`). */
exportable?: boolean;
/* Specifies if the score slot is protected or not (default is `true`). */
protected?: boolean;
/* Specifies scores to display inside the feature. */
scores?: Numeric[];
/* Specifies a collection that holds the scores. */
collection?: Collection.Card | Components.Feature;
/* Specifies a custom reference for the score slot. */
reference?: string;
/* Specifies a custom label for the score slot. */
label?: string;
/* Specifies the slot sequence number. */
sequence?: number;
/* Specifies if the alias setting needs to be hidden. */
hideAlias?: boolean;
/* Allows to specify additional controls with custom options. */
customOptions?: (position: "top" | "bottom") => (Control | Group)[] | undefined;
/* Invoked when the slot has changed. */
onChange?: (slot?: NumericSlot) => void;
}): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
properties | object | No | Specifies the properties for the scores feature. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 transformations
Adds the transformations feature that manages the transformation
property of the supplied object.
This method is only available for node blocks.

ref: {
transformation?: "none" | "capitalize" | "capitalize-words" | "capitalize-sentences" | "uppercase" | "lowercase"
): Components.Feature
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
ref | object | No | Specifies the object with the transformation property to manage. |
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature
🔧 visibility
Adds the visibility feature which manages the disabled
property of the Node
This method is only available for node blocks.

visibility(): Components.Feature
Return value
Returns a reference to the Components.Feature