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Slots module

📖 Description

Slots are an elementary part of Tripetto's data collection mechanism. They are defined by the form definition and denote the data that a form can collect. By default, there are slot types available to collect primitive data types like strings, numbers, booleans, and more. But it is also possible to define your own slot types for advanced data collection using the Slot base class and the @slot decorator (see example below).

There are four different kinds of slots:

  • static: Static slots are fixed slots that are required for the functional operation of a block (for example, a string slot that holds the text value of a text input block);
  • dynamic: Dynamic slots are used for dynamic elements in a block (for example, slots that are created for each checkbox of a block that supports a customizable list of checkboxes);
  • feature: Feature slots are used for optional features of a block (for example, a slot that holds the score value of a block that supports an optional score feature);
  • meta: Meta slots are used to store metadata (for example, the time taken to answer a block).

See the Slots guide for more information about slots.

📦 Built-in slot types

The following slot types are always available:

👩‍💻 Example

You can define your own slot types for advanced data collection using this Slot base class and the @slot decorator:

import { Slots, castToNumber } from "@tripetto/runner";

// Let's define a new slot type to store a square metre unit that automatically appends the unit symbol m².
class SquareMetre extends Slots.Slot<number> {
// Converts the pristine data to the correct type (in this case number).
public toValue(data): number {
return castToNumber(data);

// Retrieves the string representation of the value (in this case with the unit symbol m² added).
public toString(data): string {
return `${this.toValue(data)}`;

💎 Classes

🎀 Decorators

🎀 @deserialize

Marks a class property as a deserializable property. This means the property can be deserialized automatically from the form definition.

Decorator type

Property ℹ️

Applies to
Decorator signature

If you don't want automatic deserialization, you need to override the deserialize method in your slot class.

🎀 @property

Marks a class property as a slot property. Slot properties are stored in the form definition and are monitored by the builder. Whenever the value of a slot property changes, it kicks off a form definition change event in the builder. Use the @serialize and @deserialize decorators to enable automatic serialization to and deserialization from the form definition.

Decorator type

Property ℹ️

Applies to
Decorator signature
import { Slots, castToNumber } from "@tripetto/runner";

// Let's define a new slot type to store a square metre unit that automatically appends the unit symbol m².
class SquareMetre extends Slots.Slot<number> {
// Let's add a property to set a maximum number of square meters.
@serialize // Enable automatic serialization to the form definition.
@deserialize // Enable automatic deserialization from the form definition.
public maximum?: number;

// Converts the pristine data to the correct type (in this case number).
public toValue(data): number {
const metres = castToNumber(data);

if (this.maximum && metres > this.maximum) {
return this.maximum;

return metres;

// Retrieves the string representation of the value (in this case with the unit symbol m² added).
public toString(data): string {
return `${this.toValue(data)}`;

🎀 @serialize

Marks a class property as a serializable property. This means the property can be serialized automatically to the form definition.

Decorator type

Property ℹ️

Applies to
Decorator signature

If you don't want automatic serialization, you need to override the serialize method in your slot class.

🎀 @slot

Registers a new slot type.

Decorator type

Class ℹ️

Applies to
Decorator signature
@slot(typeIdentifier: string)
typeIdentifierstringNoSpecifies the unique slot type identifier.

The supplied type identifier must be unique; otherwise, an error is thrown. The following identifiers are reserved by the built-in slot types and therefore not allowed: string, number, boolean, date, text, and numeric.

import { Slots, castToNumber } from "@tripetto/runner";

// Let's define a new slot type to store a square metre unit that automatically appends the unit symbol m².
class SquareMetre extends Slots.Slot<number> {
// Converts the pristine data to the correct type (in this case number).
public toValue(data): number {
return castToNumber(data);

// Retrieves the string representation of the value (in this case with the unit symbol m² added).
public toString(data): string {
return `${this.toValue(data)}`;

⛓️ Interfaces

🔗 ISlotProperties

Describes the interface for declaring new slots using one of the slot create methods (static, dynamic, feature, or meta).

Type declaration
interface ISlotProperties {
  type: typeof (String | Number | Boolean | Date | Text | Numeric);
  reference: string;
  label: string;
  sequence?: number;Optional
  name?: string;Optional
  placeholder?: string;Optional
  alias?: string;Optional
  required?: boolean;Optional
  default?: any;Optional
  exportable?: boolean;Optional
  actionable?: boolean;Optional
  protected?: boolean;Optional
  pipeable?: boolean | {
    pipe?: string;
    label?: string;
    alias?: string;
    content?: "value" | "label" | "name" | {
      string: string;
      text?: string;
      markdown?: string;
    legacy?: string;
  exchange?: string[];Optional
🖱️ Hover with the mouse over a property name for a tooltip with the description of that property. Click it for more information.

🏷️ actionable

Specifies if the slot is actionable. When set to true the slot will be included in the actionables export function.


When set to true the default value for the exportable property will be false. If you want to make a slot both actionable and exportable, you should set both properties to true.


More information about actionable data can be found here.



🏷️ alias

Specifies the slot alias. This alias is used to identify the slot in the dataset of a form. The alias is, for example, used in the NVPs and CSV export functions.


When prefilling (or importing data into) forms the alias can be used to easily specify the right data for the right slot.



🏷️ default

Specifies the default value for a slot. This default value will be used when there is no explicit value set for a slot or when the slot value is cleared.



🏷️ exchange

The exchange property specifies the properties of the slot that are exchangeble with properties of another slot with the same kind and reference. This happens when a block is replaced with another (compatible) block. For example, the text and textarea blocks have the same slot structure. Both denote a slot with value as the reference. When a text block is replaced with a textarea block, the slots are interchangeable. The exchange property specifies which slot properties are transferred to the slot of the newly selected block.


When a slot is entirely exchangeble, compatible blocks can replace eachother without leading to a change in the data stencil hash. This means the dataset of the form remains the same.


(keyof T)[]

import { Slots, L10n } from "@tripetto/runner";

// Let's assume there is a variable slots
declare const slots: Slots.Slots;

// Create a new static slot
type: Slots.Text,
reference: "value",
label: L10n.gettext("Text"),
// All these properties can be transferred.
// Only the properties that are used in both the old and the new slot are transferred.
exchange: [

🏷️ exportable

Specifies if the slot is exportable. When set to true, the slot will be included in the exportables export function.


This property defaults to true when the exportable property is omitted and the actionable property is either set to false or omitted as well.


More information about exportable data can be found here.



🏷️ label

Specifies the (localized) label for the slot. This label is often a description of the kind of data the slot holds. For example, Text for a text input block. When a block has multiple slots, the label is used to distinguish the different slots. See an example here.



🏷️ name

Specifies the slot name.


For dynamic slots, this name is often the same as the name of the item for which the slot is intended.



🏷️ pipeable

Specifies if the slot is pipeable. Piping is the process of recalling slot values in (markdown) text in the form. There are three possible values:

  • true: Slot can be used as piping value (this is the default behavior);
  • false: Slot cannot be used as piping value;
  • Or a custom configuration to instruct Tripetto how to recall the slot.

To simply enable or disable piping for the slot (based on the slot value), supply a boolean value. If you need more control over the pipe, you can supply an object with a more specific configuration.

boolean | {
/* Optional name for the pipe. This is used to group slot values that have the same pipe name. */
pipe?: string;

/* Optional localized label for the pipe. */
label?: string;

/* Optional alias for the pipe. */
alias?: string;

* Specifies the field or content that should be used as the data that goes
* into the pipe. It can be one of the following values:
* - `value`: Use the current string value of the slot (this is the default behavior);
* - `label`: Use the slot label;
* - `name`: Use the name of the slot;
* - Custom configuration to supply the data that goes into the pipe.
content?: "value" | "label" | "name" | {
/* Contains the content as a string without any markup or variables. */
string: string;

/* Contains the content as text with support for variables. */
text?: string;

/* Contains markdown content with support for basic formatting, hyperlinks, and variables. */
markdown?: string;

* Specifies the name of a legacy pipe. Only here for backward compatibility. Do not use.
* @deprecated
legacy?: string; 🗑️

🏷️ placeholder

Specifies the slot placeholder that can be used when a slot doesn't hold a value.



🏷️ protected

Specifies whether the slot is write-protected and can only be changed by the block that created the slot. Other blocks in the form (like the Setter block) cannot change the data of the slot.



🏷️ reference

Specifies the slot reference. This is a unique reference to the slot within a block. You use the reference to retrieve a certain slot in the runner part of a block. See an example here.



🏷️ required

Specifies if the slot is required. When set to true, the block validation will only pass when a slot has a valid value.




The Runner library will automatically validate if all required slots have a valid value.

🏷️ sequence

Specifies the slot sequence number. Used to sort the slot order.



🏷️ type

Specifies the slot type. Can be one of the built-in slot types or a custom slot type (registered with the @slot decorator).


typeof String | typeof Number | typeof Boolean | typeof Date | typeof Text | typeof Numeric

import { Slots, L10n } from "@tripetto/runner";

// Let's assume there is a variable slots
declare const slots: Slots.Slots;

// Create a new static slot
type: Slots.String,
reference: "text-value",
label: L10n.gettext("Text value")