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Errors enumeration

📖 Description​

Possible error codes returned by the load method of the Runner class.

📃 Type declaration​

enum Errors {
/* No errors were detected. */
None = 0,

/* The state data in the ontology is invalid. */
OntologyInvalidState = 1,

/* The transducer data in the ontology is invalid. */
OntologyInvalidTransducer = 2,

/* The branch data in the ontology is invalid. */
OntologyInvalidBranch = 4,

/* The condition data in the ontology is invalid. */
OntologyInvalidCondition = 8,

/* The jump reference in the ontology is invalid. */
OntologyInvalidJump = 16,

/* The resume data is invalid. */
ResumeInvalidHash = 32,

/* One of more resume data slots are invalid. */
ResumeInvalidData = 64,

/* The resume stack is invalid. */
ResumeInvalidStack = 128