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Import module

📖 Description​

The Import module contains helper functions for importing data into forms. This is useful for prefilling forms.


Read the Prefilling forms guide for more information.

📇 Functions overview​

The following table shows the available data import functions and a description of what they do:

fieldsImports data into the form fields. This is the de facto function for importing data into a form.
CSVImport data into a form using CSV input.
valuesImport raw data values into the form.

👩‍đŸ’ģ Example​

import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";
import { Import } from "@tripetto/runner";

definition: /* Supply your form definition here */,
onImport: (instance) => {
// This example assumes the form has two text fields with
// the data identifiers (aliases) `FIRSTNAME` and `LASTNAME`.
Import.fields(instance, [
name: "FIRSTNAME",
value: "John",
name: "LASTNAME",
value: "Doe",

// Or use the generated key of each field
Import.fields(instance, [
key: "9ef64ab160ef6096ceecb4561f3eecc37007b669337929393a9d3789fa744f3e",
value: "John",
key: "e14599867b9fd518459e7ecaf974d33f84f2c3b322f644e838f948c2136eec3a",
value: "Doe",

â–ļī¸ Functions​

🔧 CSV​

Imports data values using a CSV record. The number of columns in the CSV record and their order should exactly match the number of fields and their order in the instance.

instanceOrContext: Instance | Context,
record: string,
selection?: string[],
delimiter?: string
): boolean
instanceOrContextInstance | ContextNoReference to the instance or context.
recordstringNoSpecifies the CSV record string to import.
selectionstring[]YesSpecifies the identifiers of the slots that should be imported.
delimiterstringYesSpecifies the delimiter for the CSV input (default is ,).
Return value​

Returns true if the import succeeded or false when the import failed (probably because the column and field count are not equal).


You can use the CSV export function to retrieve a sample CSV record for a form definition.

🔧 fields​

Import data fields to the supplied form instance. You can import the fields by referencing the unique key of the field or by specifying the name of the field.

instanceOrContext: Instance | Context,
fields: (IFieldByKey | IFieldByName)[],
selection?: string[],
separator?: string
): boolean
instanceOrContextInstance | ContextNoReference to the instance or context.
fields(IFieldByKey | IFieldByName)[]NoContains the fields to import. You can reference a field by its key or field name.
selectionstring[]YesSpecifies the identifiers of the slots that should be imported.
separatorstringYesSpecifies the string that is used to separate subject and field names for slots that are part of an iteration (default is /).
Return value​

Returns true if the import succeeded or false when there was an error and one or more of the specified fields could not be imported.

import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";
import { Import } from "@tripetto/runner";

definition: /* Supply your form definition here */,
onImport: (instance) => {
// This example assumes the form has two text fields with
// the data identifiers (aliases) `FIRSTNAME` and `LASTNAME`.
Import.fields(instance, [
name: "FIRSTNAME",
value: "John",
name: "LASTNAME",
value: "Doe",

// Or use the generated key of each field
Import.fields(instance, [
key: "9ef64ab160ef6096ceecb4561f3eecc37007b669337929393a9d3789fa744f3e",
value: "John",
key: "e14599867b9fd518459e7ecaf974d33f84f2c3b322f644e838f948c2136eec3a",
value: "Doe",

🔧 values​

Import data values to the instance.

values(instanceOrContext: Instance | Context, values: IValues, selection?: string[]): boolean
instanceOrContextInstance | ContextNoReference to the instance or context.
valuesIValuesNoSpecifies the values to import.
selectionstring[]YesSpecifies the identifiers of the slots that should be imported.
Return value​

Returns true if the import succeeded or false when there was an error and one or more of the specified fields could not be imported.

⛓ī¸ Interfaces​

🔗 IFieldByKey​

Describes the interface to import data using the fields function where the fields are referenced by their keys (unique identifiers).

Type declaration​
interface IFieldByKey {
  key: string;
  value: any;
  reference?: string;Optional
  time?: number;Optional
🖱ī¸ Hover with the mouse over a property name for a tooltip with the description of that property. Click it for more information.

🏷ī¸ key​

Key of the field.



🏷ī¸ reference​

Contains the data reference.



🏷ī¸ time​

Contains the UTC set time of the data.



🏷ī¸ value​

Contains the data value.



🔗 IFieldByName​

Describes the interface to import data using the fields function where the fields are referenced by their names.

Type declaration​
interface IFieldByName {
  name: string;
  value: any;
  reference?: string;Optional
  time?: number;Optional
🖱ī¸ Hover with the mouse over a property name for a tooltip with the description of that property. Click it for more information.

🏷ī¸ name​

Contains the name of the field.



🏷ī¸ reference​

Contains the data reference.



🏷ī¸ time​

Contains the UTC set time of the data.



🏷ī¸ value​

Contains the data value.



🔗 IValues​

Describes the interface to import data using the values function.

Type declaration​
interface IValues {
/* Specifies the slot identifier. */
[slot: string]: {
values: {
* The keys for the contextual values are composed using the condition hashes of the
* context. If the context is global the key of that value is `*`. If the
* context is defined by a single condition, the key is the computed
* hash of the stringified condition data (where the `id` property is set to
* an empty `string`). If the context is defined by 2 or more conditions, the
* computed hashes of these conditions are used to calculate a new hash. The
* computed condition hashes are concatenated in chronological order and then a
* `SHA2_256` hash is generated for this concatenated string. This hash is
* used as key.
[context: string]: {
/* Contains the value to import. */
value: any;

/* Contains the optional reference. */
reference?: string;

/* Contains the optional UTC set time of the value. */
time?: number;

This interface is basically a partial implementation of the IValues interface in the export module. This means you can use the object returned by the values export function as input for the values import function.