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IAutoscrollStyles interface

📖 Description​

Interface that specifies the styles for the runner. Supply it to the styles property of the runner.

📃 Type declaration​

interface IAutoscrollStyles {
  direction?: "horizontal" | "vertical";Optional
  verticalAlignment?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom";Optional
  hidePast?: boolean;Optional
  hideUpcoming?: boolean;Optional
  color?: string;Optional
  autoFocus?: boolean;Optional
  showSeparateSubmit?: boolean;Optional
  showPreviousButton?: boolean;Optional
  showNavigation?: "auto" | "always" | "never";Optional
  showProgressbar?: boolean;Optional
  showEnumerators?: boolean;Optional
  hideRequiredIndicator?: boolean;Optional
  showScrollbar?: boolean;Optional
  disableScrolling?: boolean;Optional
  noBranding?: boolean;Optional
  font?: {
    family?: string;
    size?: number;
    sizeSmall?: number;
  background?: {
    color?: string;
    url?: string;
    opacity?: number;
    positioning?: "auto" | "100% auto" | "auto 100%" | "cover" | "contain" | "repeat";
  inputs?: {
    backgroundColor?: string;
    borderColor?: string;
    borderSize?: number;
    roundness?: number;
    textColor?: string;
    errorColor?: string;
    agreeColor?: string;
    declineColor?: string;
    selectionColor?: string;
  buttons?: {
    baseColor?: string;
    textColor?: string;
    roundness?: number;
    mode?: "fill" | "outline";
    finishColor?: string;
  navigation?: {
    backgroundColor?: string;
    textColor?: string;
    progressbarColor?: string;
🖱ī¸ Hover with the mouse over a property name for a tooltip with the description of that property. Click it for more information.

🗃ī¸ Properties​

🏷ī¸ autoFocus​

When set to true, the runner tries to gain focus as soon as it is displayed.




If the display mode of the runner is set to page this option is automatically used and therefore always true.

🏷ī¸ background​

Specifies the background settings for the runner.


/* Background color. */
color?: string;

/* Background image. */
url?: string;

/* Background opacity (0..100%). */
opacity?: number;

/* Background positioning. */
positioning?: "auto" | "100% auto" | "auto 100%" | "cover" | "contain" | "repeat";

🏷ī¸ buttons​

Specifies the styles for the buttons.


/* Button base color. */
baseColor?: string;

/* Button text color. */
textColor?: string;

/* Button roundness in pixels. */
roundness?: number;

/* Button mode. */
mode?: "fill" | "outline";

/* Finish (or complete) button color. */
finishColor?: string;

🏷ī¸ color​

Specifies the base color for the runner.



🏷ī¸ direction​

Specifies the scroll direction of the runner (default is vertical).


"horizontal" | "vertical"

🏷ī¸ disableScrolling​

Specifies if scrolling (with the mousewheel or touch input) should be disabled (default is false).



🏷ī¸ font​

Specifies the font to use. The font family can be a regular font name or a font from Google Fonts. You can also use a custom font by supplying an URL to a custom font stylesheet appended with a hash-sign #, followed by the name of the font (for example, See the Using fonts guide for more information.


/* Font family to use. */
family?: string;

/* Font size in pixels for regular devices (default is 16). */ z
size?: number;

/* Font size in pixels for small devices (default is 14). */
sizeSmall?: number;

Read the Using fonts guide for more information on changing the font.

🏷ī¸ hidePast​

When set to true, all the blocks before the active block become invisible.



🏷ī¸ hideRequiredIndicator​

Specifies if the required asterisk (*) should be made invisible (default is false).



🏷ī¸ hideUpcoming​

When set to true, all the blocks after the active block are invisible.



🏷ī¸ inputs​

Specifies the styles for the input elements of the form.


/* Input field background color. */
backgroundColor?: string;

/* Input field border color. */
borderColor?: string;

/* Input field border size in pixels. */
borderSize?: number;

/* Input field roundness in pixels. */
roundness?: number;

/* Input field text color. */
textColor?: string;

/* Input field error color. */
errorColor?: string;

/* Input field color for agree buttons. */
agreeColor?: string;

/* Input field color for decline buttons. */
declineColor?: string;

/* Input field text selection color. */
selectionColor?: string;

Specifies the styles for the navigation bar.


/* Background color of the navigation bar. */
backgroundColor?: string;

/* Text color of the navigation bar. */
textColor?: string;

/* Progressbar color of the navigation bar. */
progressbarColor?: string;

🏷ī¸ noBranding​

Specifies if the Tripetto branding (a link to the Tripetto website) should be invisible (default is false).



License required!

You are only allowed to remove the Tripetto branding if you have bought a license. See the pricing page for more information about licensing and pricing. Read the Disable Tripetto branding guide for more information about this feature.

🏷ī¸ showEnumerators​

Specifies if enumerators (question numbers) should be shown (default is false).



🏷ī¸ showNavigation​

Specifies the behavior of the navigation bar. It can be one of the following values:

  • auto: The navigation bar is only displayed when the display mode is set to page (this is the default setting);
  • always: The navigation bar is always shown;
  • never: The navigation bar is never shown.


"auto" | "always" | "never"

🏷ī¸ showPreviousButton​

Specifies if a back button is shown (default is true). When clicked, the respondent returns to the previous block.



🏷ī¸ showProgressbar​

Specifies if a progressbar is shown in the navigation bar (default is true).



🏷ī¸ showScrollbar​

Specifies if a visual scrollbar should be shown (default is false).



🏷ī¸ showSeparateSubmit​

Specifies if the submit button should be shown as a separate block (that scrolls into view) or that the button is shown in the last active question block (default is true).



🏷ī¸ verticalAlignment​

Specifies the vertical alignment of the content in the runner (default is middle).


"top" | "middle" | "bottom"