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A React Hook to dynamically load translations and locale data for a runner.


initial: IL10n | undefined,
onL10n: ((l10n: IL10n) => Promise<void>) | undefined,
runner: {
l10n: L10n.Namespace;
update: () => void;
purgeCache?: () => void
): [IL10n, (l10n: IL10n) => void, (language?: string) => void]


initialIL10n | undefinedNoSpecifies the initial translations and locale data for the runner.
onL10n((l10n: IL10n) => Promise<void>) | undefinedNoFunction that is invoked when an update of the translations or locale data is requested.
runnerobjectNoReference to the runner.
purgeCache() => voidYesFunction that is invoked when new translations or locale data is loaded.

Return value

Returns a tuple with the current IL10n object, a function to update the IL10n object, and a function to change the language of the runner.