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Locales class

📖 Description

The Locales class holds locale information and contains functions to format dates and numbers. The Locales instance is accessible through the locale property of the L10n module.

🗃️ Fields

🏷️ country

Retrieves the country for the current active locale.



🏷️ countryCode

Retrieves the country code for the current active locale.



🏷️ countryNative

Retrieves the native country name for the current active locale.



🏷️ direction

Retrieves the text direction for the current active locale.


"ltr" | "rtl"

🏷️ domain

Retrieves the domain for the current locale.



🏷️ identifier

Retrieves the locale identifier string.



🏷️ language

Retrieves the language for the current active locale.



🏷️ languageNative

Retrieves the language in the native language for the current active locale.



🏷️ locale

Retrieves the locale information for the current active locale.



▶️ Methods

🔧 dateFull

Formats to a localized full date string (for example, Wednesday, March 23, 2022).


dateFull(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the date/time to format (defaults to the current date/time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date string.

🔧 dateLong

Formats to a localized long date string (for example, March 23, 2022).


dateLong(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the date/time to format (defaults to the current date/time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date string.

🔧 dateMedium

Formats to a localized medium date string (for example, Mar 23, 2022).


dateMedium(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the date/time to format (defaults to the current date/time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date string.

🔧 dateShort

Formats to a localized short date string (for example, 3/23/22).


dateShort(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the date/time to format (defaults to the current date/time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date string.

🔧 dateTime

Formats a date/time to a localized string.


dateTime(format: string, time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


formatstringNoSpecifies the format to use, using the CLDR date/time formatting style. The following variables are available:
- y / yyyy: Specifies the full 4-digit year;
- yy: Specifies the 2-digit year;
- M: Specifies the month number;
- MM: Specifies the month number with a minimum of 2 digits;
- MMM: Specifies the month as an abbreviated string (e.g. Jan);
- MMMM: Specifies the month as a full string (e.g. January);
- MMMMM: Specifies the month as a narrow (e.g. J);
- LLL: Specifies the month as an abbreviated nominative string (e.g. Jan);
- LLLL: Specifies the month as a full nominative string (e.g. January);
- LLLLL: Specifies the month as a narrow nominative string (e.g. J);
- d: Specifies the day of the month;
- dd: Specifies the day of the month with a minimum of 2 digits;
- E: Specifies the day of the week;
- EE: Specifies the day of the week as a string (e.g. Su);
- EEE: Specifies the day of the week as an abbreviated string (e.g. Sun);
- EEEE: Specifies the day of the week as a full string (e.g. Sunday);
- EEEEE: Specifies the day of the week as a narrow string (e.g. S);
- cc: Specifies the day of the week as a nominative string (e.g. Su);
- ccc: Specifies the day of the week as an abbreviated nominative string (e.g. Sun);
- cccc: Specifies the day of the week as a full nominative string (e.g. Sunday);
- ccccc: Specifies the day of the week as a narrow nominative string (e.g. S);
- H: Specifies the number of hours in 24-hour format;
- HH: Specifies the number of hours in 24-hour format with a minimum of 2 digits;
- h: Specifies the number of hours in 12-hour format;
- hh: Specifies the number of hours in 12-hour format with a minimum of 2 digits;
- a: Specifies the AM or PM hour suffix;
- m: Specifies the number of minutes;
- mm: Specifies the number of minutes with a minimum of 2 digits;
- s: Specifies the number of seconds;
- ss: Specifies the number of seconds with a minimum of 2 digits;
- S: Specifies the number of milliseconds;
- SSS: Specifies the number of milliseconds with a minimum of 3 digits.
timenumberYesSpecifies the date/time to format (defaults to the current date/time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date string.

🔧 dateTimeFull

Formats to a localized full date/time string (for example, Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 4:38:47 PM).


dateTimeFull(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date/time string.

🔧 dateTimeLong

Formats to a localized long date/time string (for example, March 23, 2022 at 4:38:38 PM).


dateTimeLong(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date/time string.

🔧 dateTimeMedium

Formats to a localized medium date/time string (for example, Mar 23, 2022, 4:38:29 PM).


dateTimeMedium(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date/time string.

🔧 dateTimeShort

Formats to a localized short date/time string (for example, 3/23/22, 4:38 PM).


dateTimeShort(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized date/time string.

🔧 number

Formats a number to a localized string by inserting thousands and decimal separators while taking rounding into account.


number(n: number | string, precision?: number | "auto", thousands?: boolean): string


nnumber | stringNoSpecifies the number to format.
precisionnumber | "auto"YesSpecifies the precision (set it to auto to allow floating point numbers with automatic precision detection).
thousandsbooleanYesSpecifies if thousands separators should be inserted (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted number as a localized string.

🔧 timeFull

Formats to a localized full time string (for example, 4:39:45 PM).


timeFull(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized time string.

🔧 timeLong

Formats to a localized long time string (for example, 4:39:18 PM).


timeLong(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized time string.

🔧 timeMedium

Formats to a localized medium time string (for example, 4:39:08 PM).


timeMedium(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized time string.

🔧 timeShort

Formats to a localized short time string (for example, 4:38 PM).


timeShort(time?: number, UTC?: boolean): string


timenumberYesSpecifies the time to format (defaults to the current time).
UTCbooleanYesSpecifies if the UTC time needs to be used instead of local time (default is false).

Return value

Returns the formatted localized time string.