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L10n module

📖 Description

The L10n module contains functions for localization. Tripetto uses the GNU gettext system.

👩‍💻 Example

import { L10n } from "@tripetto/builder";

// Translate message
L10n.gettext("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");

// Translate message with shorthand
L10n._("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");

// Translate message with arguments
L10n.gettext("Hello %1", "there");
// Shorthand
L10n._("Hello %1", "there");

// Translate plural message
L10n.ngettext("1 user", "%1 users", 2);
// Shorthand
L10n._n("1 user", "%1 users", 2);

🗃️ Properties

🏷️ current

Retrieves the current translation domain (this is the ISO 639-1 language code of the domain).



🏷️ domains

Retrieves a list of all available translation domains.



🏷️ locale

Retrieves a reference to the Locales instance that holds the locale information.



▶️ Functions

🔧 _

Translates a message (short for gettext).


_(message: string, ...arguments: string[]): string


messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The first argument is referenced with %1.

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 _n

Translates a plural message (short for ngettext).


_n(message: string, messagePlural: string, count: number, ...arguments: string[]): string


messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
messagePluralstringNoSpecifies the plural message to translate.
countnumberNoSpecifies the count for the plural (can be reference in the message with %1).
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The count value is automatically included as the first argument (%1).

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 dgettext

Translates a message using the specified translation domain.


dgettext(domain: string, message: string, ...arguments: string[]): string


domainstringNoSpecifies the translation domain to use.
messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The first argument is referenced with %1.

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 dngettext

Translates a plural message using the specified translation domain.


domain: string,
message: string,
messagePlural: string,
count: number,
...arguments: string[]
): string


domainstringNoSpecifies the translation domain to use.
messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
messagePluralstringNoSpecifies the plural message to translate.
countnumberNoSpecifies the count for the plural (can be reference in the message with %1).
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The count value is automatically included as the first argument (%1).

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 dnpgettext

Translates a plural message with the specified context using the specified translation domain.


domain: string,
context: string,
message: string,
messagePlural: string,
count: number,
...arguments: string[]
): string


domainstringNoSpecifies the translation domain to use.
contextstringNoSpecifies the translation context.
messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
messagePluralstringNoSpecifies the plural message to translate.
countnumberNoSpecifies the count for the plural (can be reference in the message with %1).
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The count value is automatically included as the first argument (%1).

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 dpgettext

Translates a message with the specified context using the specified translation domain.


dpgettext(domain: string, context: string, message: string, ...arguments: string[]): string


domainstringNoSpecifies the translation domain to use.
contextstringNoSpecifies the translation context.
messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The first argument is referenced with %1.

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 gettext

Translates a message.


gettext(message: string, ...arguments: string[]): string


messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The first argument is referenced with %1.

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 ngettext

Translates a plural message.


message: string,
messagePlural: string,
count: number,
...arguments: string[]
): string


messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
messagePluralstringNoSpecifies the plural message to translate.
countnumberNoSpecifies the count for the plural (can be reference in the message with %1).
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The count value is automatically included as the first argument (%1).

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 npgettext

Translates a plural message with the specified context.


context: string,
message: string,
messagePlural: string,
count: number,
...arguments: string[]
): string


contextstringNoSpecifies the translation context.
messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
messagePluralstringNoSpecifies the plural message to translate.
countnumberNoSpecifies the count for the plural (can be reference in the message with %1).
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The count value is automatically included as the first argument (%1).

Return value

Returns the translated message.

🔧 pgettext

Translates a message with the specified context.


pgettext(context: string, message: string, ...arguments: string[]): string


contextstringNoSpecifies the translation context.
messagestringNoSpecifies the message to translate.
argumentsstring[]YesOptional string arguments which can be referenced in the message using the percent sign followed by the argument index %n. The first argument is referenced with %1.

Return value

Returns the translated message.

⛓️ Interfaces

🔗 ILocale

Describes the interface for the locale object. Locale information is stored in a JSON file per locale and are stored in the locales folder of the Tripetto Builder package.

Type declaration

interface ILocale {
locale: string;
domain: string;
direction: "ltr" | "rtl";
countryCode: string;
country: string;
countryNative: string;
language: string;
languageNative: string;
translations: {
months: {
formatted: {
abbreviated: string[];
narrow: string[];
wide: string[];
nominative: {
abbreviated: string[];
narrow: string[];
wide: string[];
days: {
formatted: {
abbreviated: string[];
narrow: string[];
short: string[];
wide: string[];
nominative: {
abbreviated: string[];
narrow: string[];
short: string[];
wide: string[];
time: {
AM: string;
PM: string;
formats: {
date: {
full: string;
long: string;
medium: string;
short: string;
time: {
full: string;
long: string;
medium: string;
short: string;
dateTime: {
full: string;
long: string;
medium: string;
short: string;
numbers: {
decimals: string;
grouping: string;
minus: string;

📜 Types

📃 TTranslation

Defines a translation.


"": {
language?: string;
"plural-forms"?: string;
"plural-family"?: string;
} & {
[id: string]: [null | string, ...string[]] | [null | string, [string]];