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Builder class

📖 Description

The builder class implements the Tripetto form builder. You can create a new builder instance using the static open function or by using the new keyword.

🆕 constructor

Creates a new builder instance with the specified builder properties.


constructor(properties?: IBuilderProperties): Builder


propertiesIBuilderPropertiesYesSpecifies the builder properties.

Return value

Returns a reference to the new builder instance.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();

📌 Statics

🔧 open

Creates a new builder instance for the specified form definition and with the specified properties.


open(definition?: IDefinition, properties?: IBuilderProperties): Builder


definitionIDefinitionYesSpecifies the form definition to load (when omitted an empty form is loaded.)
propertiesIBuilderPropertiesYesSpecifies the builder properties.

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.


🗃️ Fields

🏷️ definition

Sets or retrieves the form definition.



🏷️ language

Sets or retrieves the language (ISO code) of the form definition.


string | undefined

🏷️ name

Sets or retrieves the name of the form definition.



▶️ Methods

🔧 clear

Clears the current form (effectively creating a new empty one).


clear(): Builder

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 close

Closes the builder.


close(): Builder

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 edit

Opens the editor panel for the specified form element, allowing to open certain elements in the builder from outside of the builder. A typical use case for this method is clicking on a block in a live preview to edit that block in the builder.


type: "prologue" | "properties" | "branch" | "section" | "node" | "condition" | "epilogue",
id: string
): this;


type"prologue" | "properties" | "branch" | "section" | "node" | "condition" | "epilogue"NoSpecifies the type of element to open. It can be one of the following values:
- prologue: Opens the prologue editor panel (the prologue is the welcome message that is shown before a form is filled in);
- properties: Opens the form properties editor panel to edit the name, description, language, and keywords of the form;
- branch: Opens the properties editor panel for the branch with the specified identifier;
- section: Opens the properties editor panel for the section with the specified identifier;
- node: Opens the properties editor panel for the node with the specified identifier;
- condition: Opens the properties editor panel for the condition with the specified identifier;
- epilogue: Opens the epilogue editor panel for a certain branch (when the identifier of the branch is specified) or the root branch (when the identifier is left empty). The epilogue message is shown when a form completes.
idstringYesSpecifies the identifier of the element to open (required when type is branch, section, node, condition, and optionally for epilogue).

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 hook

Registers a hook for listening to a certain event. You can create multiple hooks for the same event.


event: "OnLoad" | "OnError" | "OnReady" | "OnOpen" | "OnSave" | "OnChange" | "OnPreview" | "OnRename" | "OnEdit" | "OnClose",
type: "synchronous" | "asynchronous" | "framed",
callback: (payload) => void,
context?: Function | {}
): Builder


event"OnLoad" | "OnError" | "OnReady" | "OnOpen" | "OnSave" | "OnChange" | "OnPreview" | "OnRename" | "OnEdit" | "OnClose"NoSpecifies the event to hook on to.
type"synchronous" | "asynchronous" | "framed"NoSpecifies the callback type. It can be one of the following values:
- synchronous: Call the callback in a synchronous call;
- asynchronous: Call the callback using a asynchronous call;
- framed: Call the callback in the next browser animation frame.
callback(payload) => voidNoSpecifies the callback function to invoke. The supplied function receives the hook payload as its first argument. The structure of this payload depends on the event hooked to.
contextFunction | {}YesSpecifies a context to bind to. This context can be used to unhook specific hooks later on.
OnLoadBuilder is loading.IBuilderLoadEvent
OnErrorBuilder generated an error during loading.IBuilderErrorEvent
OnReadyBuilder is ready loading.IBuilderReadyEvent
OnOpenBuilder is opened.IBuilderOpenEvent
OnSaveForm definition is saved.IBuilderSaveEvent
OnChangeForm definition has changed.IBuilderChangeEvent
OnPreviewForm definition preview should update.IBuilderPreviewEvent
OnRenameForm is renamed.IBuilderRenameEvent
OnEditEditor panel is opened or closed.IBuilderEditEvent
OnCloseBuilder is closed.IBuilderCloseEvent

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();

builder.hook("OnLoad", "synchronous", (event: IBuilderLoadEvent) => {
console.log("This builder is loaded!");

The OnLoad event is always invoked before the OnReady and OnOpen events. The OnReady event is invoked as soon as the loading completes (builder is ready to show). After that, the onOpen event is emitted when the builder is opened and shown to the user.

🔧 l10nEditor

Invokes the l10n editor for the supplied l10n contract. The l10n editor is used to manage l10n related settings and translations.


contract: TL10nContract,
l10n?: IL10n | (() => { l10n: IL10n }),
onChange?: (l10n: IL10n, currentL10n: IL10n) => void,
onTranslation?: (language: string) => TTranslation | TTranslation[] | Promise<TTranslation | TTranslation[] | undefined> | undefined
): L10nEditor


contractTL10nContractNoSpecifies the l10n contract to use.
l10nIL10n | (() => { l10n: IL10n })YesReference to the l10n object to edit (if omitted a new object is created). You can also supply a function that returns an object that has a l10n property. This l10n property is then used as input object, and automatically updated when changes are made.
onChange(l10n: IL10n, currentL10n: IL10n) => voidYesSpecifies a function that is invoked on each change. It receives two arguments:
- l10n: Reference to the l10n object;
- currentL10n: Copy of the l10n object where the current edit language is set as the default language.
onTranslation(language: string) => TTranslationYesSpecifies a function that should deliver translations for the given language.

Return value

Returns a reference to the L10nEditor instance.

🔧 load

Loads a form definition.


load(definition: IDefinition): Builder


definitionIDefinitionNoSpecifies the form definition to load.

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 open

Opens the builder with the optional supplied form definition.


open(definition?: IDefinition): Builder


definitionIDefinitionYesSpecifies the form definition to load.

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();;

🔧 reload

Reloads the definition, resulting in a complete re-rendering of the form structure in the builder.


reload(): Builder

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 resize

Notifies the builder about a parent element resize. It is important to notify the builder when the dimensions of the viewport of the builder have changed. The builder is not able to detect this by itself. So it needs your help. See the example code below.


Read the Handling viewport/screen resizing guide for more information.


resize(): Builder

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();

// Upon window resize notify the builder
window.addEventListener("resize", () => builder.resize());
window.addEventListener("orientationchange", () => builder.resize());

There is no need to debounce calls to the resize method. This is already done inside the builder.

🔧 restore

Restores the last loaded or saved definition. When a definition is saved, that version becomes the last loaded one.


restore(): Builder

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 save

Saves the form definition and invokes the onSave event and emits the OnSave hook.


Read the Saving form definitions guide for more information.


save(): IDefinition | undefined

Return value

Returns the current form definition.


This value can be undefined when calling the save method before the builder is ready loading.

🔧 stylesEditor

Invokes the styles editor for the supplied styles contract. The styles editor is used to manage the styles described by the styles contract.


contract: TStylesContract,
styles?: TStyles | (() => { styles: TStyles }),
tier?: "unlicensed" | "licensed",
onChange?: (styles: TStyles) => void,
hideInaccessibleOptions: boolean,
allowReset: boolean,
onReset?: (fnDone: (bReset: boolean) => void) => void
): StylesEditor


contractTStylesContractNoSpecifies the styles contract to use.
stylesTStyles | (() => { styles: TStyles })YesReference to the styles object to edit (if omitted a new object is created). You can also supply a function that returns an object that has a styles property. This styles property is then used as input object, and automatically updated when changes are made.
tier"unlicensed" | "licensed"YesSpecifies the features tier.
onChange(styles: TStyles) => void`YesSpecifies a function that is invoked on each style change.
hideInaccessibleOptionsbooleanYesSpecifies if options that aren't available should be invisible instead of disabled (default is false).
allowResetbooleanYesAllows a reset button to reset all styles (default is true).
onReset(done: (reset: boolean) => void) => voidYesSpecifies a function that is invoked when the styles are about to reset. This function can be used to show a confirmation dialog to the user.

Return value

Returns a reference to the StylesEditor instance.

🔧 tutorial

Shows the tutorial dialog with information about the available gestures for the builder.


tutorial(): Builder

Return value

Returns a reference to the builder instance.

🔧 unhook

Removes a hook for a certain event.


event: "OnLoad" | "OnError" | "OnReady" | "OnOpen" | "OnSave" | "OnChange" | "OnPreview" | "OnRename" | "OnEdit" | "OnClose",
context?: Function | {}
): boolean


event"OnLoad" | "OnError" | "OnReady" | "OnOpen" | "OnSave" | "OnChange" | "OnPreview" | "OnRename" | "OnEdit" | "OnClose"NoSpecifies the event to unhook.
contextFunction | {}YesSpecifies a context to unhook. If not specified all hooks for the supplied event are unhooked.

Return value

Returns true if a hook for the event was found and thus removed.

🔧 useNamespace

Switches to the blocks namespace with the specified identifier and optionally load it if it is not available. Namespaces allow the use of different sets of blocks within in a single builder instance. This is useful when a single builder instance is used for editing form definitions that can be used in different runners and when the user can toggle between those runners. With the help of this method it is possible to load different sets of blocks for different runners and then switch between those block sets at runtime.


You can also load a namespace during builder instance construction using the namespace property.


identifier: string,
src?: string,
type?: "umd" | "url",
alwaysLoad: boolean,
unloadFirst: boolean
): Promise


identifierstringNoSpecifies the namespace identifier.
srcstringYesSpecifies the UMD code or URL to load.
type"umd" | "url"YesSpecifies what to load (UMD code or an URL).
alwaysLoadbooleanYesSpecifies if the bundle should always load, even when there is already a namespace available with the specified identifier (default is true).
unloadFirstbooleanYesSpecifies if the namespace should unload if it is already available (default is false).

Return value

Returns a promise that resolves when the namespace loading has succeeded or rejects when it failed.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();

// Load the builder blocks for the autoscroll runner
.useNamespace("autoscroll", "", "url")
.then(() => {
console.log("Loading succeeded!");
.catch(() => {
console.log("Loading failed!");

If your application implements a Content Security Policy (CSP) and prohibits the use of eval(), you should always load namespace block bundles using the url type. This method uses a Trusted Type policy named tripetto#loader for loading the bundle, so make sure to whitelist that Trusted Type. More on CSP and Trusted Types can be found in this guide.

📢 Events

🔔 onChange

Invoked when the definition is changed.


If you need live (or real-time) saving of form definitions, you should use this event. Read the Saving form definitions guide for more information.


(definition: IDefinition, builder: Builder) => void | Promise<void>


definitionIDefinitionNoContains the changed form definition.
builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

Return value

When a Promise is returned the builder goes into a loading state until the promise resolves or rejects.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();

builder.onChange = (definition) => {
console.log("Form definition has changed!");

You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.

🔔 onClose

Invoked when the builder is closed.


(builder: Builder) => void


builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.

🔔 onError

Invoked when there was an error during loading a form definition. This event not only indicates that there was an error, it also gives some details about the number of errors found (that's the number of blocks that could not load) and a list of blocks types that are missing (and the reason for the error).


(erroneousBlocks: number, missingBlockTypes: string[], builder: Builder) => void


erroneousBlocksnumberNoContains the number of blocks that could not load.
missingBlockTypesstring[]NoContains an array of block type identifiers that are missing.
builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.

🔔 onLoad

Invoked when the builder is loading.


(builder: Builder) => void


builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

The onLoad event is invoked before the onReady and onOpen events.


You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.

🔔 onOpen

Invoked when the builder is opened and shown to the user.


(builder: Builder) => void


builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

The onOpen event is always invoked after the onLoad and onReady events.


You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.

🔔 onReady

Invoked when the builder is ready loading.


(builder: Builder) => void


builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

The onReady event is invoked after the onLoad event, but before the onOpen event.


You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.

🔔 onSave

Invoked when the definition is saved. This happens when the user clicks the save button in the Tripetto toolbar.


It is possible to disable the save button (or the whole toolbar). Then you can use the 'save' method to initiate a save action or use the onChange event for real-time monitoring changes in the form definition.

Read the Saving form definitions guide for more information.


(definition: IDefinition, builder: Builder) => void | Promise<void>


definitionIDefinitionNoContains the form definition to save.
builderBuilderNoReference to the builder instance.

Return value

When a Promise is returned the builder goes into a loading state until the promise resolves or rejects.


import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder();

builder.onSave = (definition) => {
console.log("Save the form definition!");

You can also use the hook method to hook into this event.