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Services class

📖 Description

The services class implements the connection between a client and the Studio back-end. To create a new instance, use the static form, get, or init function.

🆕 constructor

Creates a new services instance with the specified properties.


The token of a form can be obtained from the share panel of the Studio application. Open your form in the Studio and then click the Share button.


properties: {
token: string;
signature?: string;
url?: string;
filestoreUrl?: string;
): Services


tokenstringNoSpecifies the Studio API token for the form.
signaturestringYesSpecifies a signature for the form. This signature is a SHA256 hash of the email address of the account that holds the form and the token of the form, separated by a colon: SHA256("<email address>:<token>"). The Studio server will verify the supplied signature and will only return the form if it is from the account specified. The account needs to be specified by the full email adress of the account or *@<domain> to allow all accounts from a certain domain.
urlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the server. If omitted the default URL will be used.
filestoreUrlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the filestore service (used for file uploads). If omitted the default URL will be used.

Return value

Returns a reference to the new services instance.

📌 Statics

🔧 form

Initializes a new stock runner. This function retrieves a form from the Studio API and creates a new stock runner (of the supplied runner type). The goal of this function is to make it easy to fetch a form from the Studio, run it, and post the form data back to the Studio.


The token of a form can be obtained from the share panel of the Studio application. Open your form in the Studio and then click the Share button.


All properties available in the runner you are using can be provided to this function. Those properties are then passed on to the runner.


This function always sends the form data to the studio regardless of the use of the onSubmit event. Use the init function if you do not want form data to be sent to the Studio.


properties: {
runner: {};
token: string;
signature?: string;
element?: string | HTMLElement;
persistent?: boolean;
pausable?: boolean;
trackers?: (
type: "start" | "stage" | "unstage" | "focus" | "blur" | "pause" | "complete",
definition: {
fingerprint: string;
name: string;
block?: {
id: string;
name: string;
) => void;
onSubmit?: (
instance: Instance,
id: string,
language: string,
locale: string,
namespace: string
) => Promise<void> | void;
url?: string;
filestoreUrl?: string;
): Services


runner{...}NoSpecifies the runner to use.
tokenstringNoSpecifies the Studio API token for the form.
signaturestringYesSpecifies a signature for the form. This signature is a SHA256 hash of the email address of the account that holds the form and the token of the form, separated by a colon: SHA256("<email address>:<token>"). The Studio server will verify the supplied signature and will only return the form if it is from the account specified. The account needs to be specified by the full email adress of the account or *@<domain> to allow all accounts from a certain domain.
elementstring | HTMLElementYesSpecifies the element to use for the form.
persistentbooleanYesSpecifies to store sessions in the local store to preserve persistency when navigating between multiple pages that host the runner.
pausablebooleanYesSpecifies if the form can be paused and resumed.
trackers(...) => voidYesSpecifies a tracking function that is invoked when the user performs an action.
onSubmit(...) => Promise<void> | voidYesSpecifies a function that is invoked when the form is submitted.

⚠️ Please note that the form data is also sent to the Studio. Use the init function if you want to avoid that.
urlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the server. If omitted the default URL will be used.
filestoreUrlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the filestore service (used for file uploads). If omitted the default URL will be used.

Return value

Returns an object that can be used to initiate a new runner.


import * as Autoscroll from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";
import Services from "@tripetto/studio";

runner: Autoscroll,

// You can obtain the token of a form in the share panel of the Studio
token: "a-valid-tripetto-token",

🔧 get

Initializes a new services instance with the specified properties and returns an object that can be supplied directly to one of the Tripetto stock runners.


The token of a form can be obtained from the share panel of the Studio application. Open your form in the Studio and then click the Share button.


All properties available in the runner you are using can be provided to this function. Those properties will be included in the return object of this function.


This function always sends the form data to the studio regardless of the use of the onSubmit event. Use the init function if you do not want form data to be sent to the Studio.


properties: {
token: string;
signature?: string;
element?: string | HTMLElement;
persistent?: boolean;
pausable?: boolean;
trackers?: (
type: "start" | "stage" | "unstage" | "focus" | "blur" | "pause" | "complete",
definition: {
fingerprint: string;
name: string;
block?: {
id: string;
name: string;
) => void;
onSubmit?: (
instance: Instance,
id: string,
language: string,
locale: string,
namespace: string
) => Promise<void> | void;
url?: string;
filestoreUrl?: string;
): Services


tokenstringNoSpecifies the Studio API token for the form.
signaturestringYesSpecifies a signature for the form. This signature is a SHA256 hash of the email address of the account that holds the form and the token of the form, separated by a colon: SHA256("<email address>:<token>"). The Studio server will verify the supplied signature and will only return the form if it is from the account specified. The account needs to be specified by the full email adress of the account or *@<domain> to allow all accounts from a certain domain.
elementstring | HTMLElementYesSpecifies the element to use for the form.
persistentbooleanYesSpecifies to store sessions in the local store to preserve persistency when navigating between multiple pages that host the runner.
pausablebooleanYesSpecifies if the form can be paused and resumed.
trackers(...) => voidYesSpecifies a tracking function that is invoked when the user performs an action.
onSubmit(...) => Promise<void> | voidYesSpecifies a function that is invoked when the form is submitted.

⚠️ Please note that the form data is also sent to the Studio. Use the init function if you want to avoid that.
urlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the server. If omitted the default URL will be used.
filestoreUrlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the filestore service (used for file uploads). If omitted the default URL will be used.

Return value

Returns an object that can be used to initiate a new runner.


import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";
import { Export } from "@tripetto/runner";
import Services from "@tripetto/studio";

// You can obtain the token of a form in the share panel of the Studio
token: "a-valid-tripetto-token",

// If you want you can use the submit event to also send the response data
// to a custom endpoint. Please note that when using this function, the
// response data is always first stored in the Studio.
onSubmit: (instance, id) => {
const data = Export.dataset(instance);

// Do something with the data here

🔧 init

Initializes a new services instance with the specified properties.


The token of a form can be obtained from the share panel of the Studio application. Open your form in the Studio and then click the Share button.


properties: {
token: string;
signature?: string;
url?: string;
filestoreUrl?: string;
): Services


tokenstringNoSpecifies the Studio API token for the form.
signaturestringYesSpecifies a signature for the form. This signature is a SHA256 hash of the email address of the account that holds the form and the token of the form, separated by a colon: SHA256("<email address>:<token>"). The Studio server will verify the supplied signature and will only return the form if it is from the account specified. The account needs to be specified by the full email adress of the account or *@<domain> to allow all accounts from a certain domain.
urlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the server. If omitted the default URL will be used.
filestoreUrlstringYesSpecifies the URL of the filestore service (used for file uploads). If omitted the default URL will be used.

Return value

Returns a reference to the new services instance.


import { run } from "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll";
import Services from "@tripetto/studio";

const { definition, onSubmit } = Services.init({
// You can obtain the token of a form in the share panel of the Studio
token: "a-valid-tripetto-token"


🗃️ Fields

🏷️ attachments

Retrieves the attachments object that holds the endpoints for file upload store.


For more information how this field is used in a runner, take a look at the attachments property of the Autoscroll stock runner.



🏷️ definition

Fetches the form definition from the server. Returns a promise that resolves with the form definition (or undefined if the definition was not found).


Promise<IDefinition | undefined>

🏷️ l10n

Fetches the form localization and translation data from the server. Returns a promise that resolves with the data (or undefined if no data was found).


For more information how this field is used in a runner, take a look at the l10n property of the Autoscroll stock runner.


Promise<IL10n | undefined>

🏷️ license

Retrieves the license code for the form.


For more information how this field is used in a runner, take a look at the license property of the Autoscroll stock runner.


() => Promise<string | undefined>

🏷️ locale

Retrieves the locale function used to retrieve locale data.


For more information how this field is used in a runner, take a look at the locale property of the Autoscroll stock runner.


(locale: "auto" | string) => Promise<L10n.ILocale | undefined>

🏷️ snapshot

Fetches the form snapshot from the server. Returns a promise that resolves with the form snapshot (or undefined if no snapshot was found).


Promise<ISnapshot | undefined>

🏷️ styles

Fetches the form styles from the server. Returns a promise that resolves with the form styles (or undefined if no styles were found).


The form styles object differs per runner. For example, when the Autoscroll stock runner is used, this property returns an IAutoscrollStyles object.


Promise<TStyles | undefined>

🏷️ translations

Retrieves the translation function used to retrieve translation data.


For more information how this field is used in a runner, take a look at the translations property of the Autoscroll stock runner.


(language: "auto" | string, context: string) => Promise<L10n.TTranslation | L10n.TTranslation[] | undefined>

📢 Events

🏷️ onPause

Retrieves the pause function that is invoked when a form is paused.


recipe: "email";
onPause: (
emailAddress: string,
snapshot: ISnapshot,
language: string,
locale: string,
namespace: string
) => Promise<void>;


emailAddressstringNoContains the email address.
snapshotISnapshotNoContains the snapshot data.
languagestringNoContains the language used in the runner (default is en).
localestringNoContains the locale identifier used in the runner (default is en).
namespacestringNoContains the namespace identifier for the runner.

Return value

Returns a Promise that resolves in case the pause succeeded or rejects in case of an error.

🏷️ onReload

Retrieves the reload function that is invoked when a form definition should reload from the server.


() => Promise<IDefinition>

Return value

Returns a Promise that resolves with the IDefinition.

🏷️ onSubmit

Retrieves the submit function that is invoked when a form response is submitted to the server.


(instance: Instance, language: string, locale: string, namespace: string) =>
Promise<string | undefined>


instanceInstanceNoReference to the runner instance.
languagestringNoContains the language used in the runner (default is en).
localestringNoContains the locale identifier used in the runner (default is en).
namespacestringNoContains the namespace identifier for the runner.

Return value

Returns a Promise that resolves with an optional reference string (in case it succeeds) or rejects (in case of an error).