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Saving form definitions

The builder stores the complete form structure in a single JavaScript object called the form definition. It includes all the properties and settings of the elements used in the form. From there on, it is up to you what you want to do with the form definition (probably you want to store it somewhere). This guide shows you different approaches you could use for saving form definitions.


If you want to validate form definitions before saving them, read the Validating forms guide.

🆗 Use a save button

When you want to use a save button, you need to listen to the onSave event of the builder. This event emits when the save method is invoked. If you use the standard builder configuration, a toolbar is shown inside the builder. This toolbar contains a save button by default. When the user clicks the save button, it calls the save method.

import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

// Use the `onSave` event
const builder = new Builder({
onSave: (definition) => {
// This gets called when a save is initiated

// You can also set the `onSave` property later on
builder.onSave = (definition) => {
// This gets called when a save is initiated

// Or use a hook to listen to the event
builder.hook("OnSave", "synchronous", (event: IBuilderSaveEvent) => {
// This gets called when a save is initiated
// `event.definition` contains the form definition

✏️ Use save on change

If you want to save the form definition on each change, you need to listen to the onChange event of the builder. This event emits on each change of the form. If you use this approach, you could disable the save button in the toolbar as it is no longer needed. Also, there is no need to invoke the save method.

import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

// Use the `onChange` event
const builder = new Builder({
onChange: (definition) => {
// This gets called on each change

// You can also set the `onChange` property later on
builder.onChange = (definition) => {
// This gets called on each change

// Or use a hook to listen to the event
builder.hook("OnChange", "synchronous", (event: IBuilderChangeEvent) => {
// This gets called on each change
// `event.definition` contains the form definition

Removing the save button from the toolbar

To remove the save button from the toolbar, you should use the disableSaveButton property when creating a new builder instance.

const builder = new Builder({
disableSaveButton: true

You can also remove the entire toolbar if you want. This guide shows you how to do that.

👩‍💻 Simple AJAX example

The actual saving of a form definition to a data store is entirely up to you. You could, for example, use an AJAX call to post a form to a server.

import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder({
onSave: (definition) => {
fetch("/example-server", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify(definition)

// Save the form;