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Tripetto WordPress plugin API

This API reference covers the available hooks and filters for the Tripetto WordPress plugin.

✨ Installation

Tripetto is listed in the WordPress plugin directory. You can find and install the plugin directly from your WP Admin. Or, download the plugin manually from the plugin page on the WordPress website:

📥 Download the Tripetto WordPress plugin

👩‍💻 Example

Here is a basic example of the tripetto_submit hook that is invoked when a form is completed:

add_action("tripetto_submit", function($data, $form) {
// Let's send an email whenever a form is submitted
$subject = "New form submission for " . $form->name;
$message = $subject . "\n\n";

// Add all the collected fields to the message
foreach ($data->fields as $field) {
$message .= $field->name . ": " . $field->string . "\n";

// And send it!
mail("example@domain", $subject, $message);
}, 10, 2);

🪝 Hooks

🩺 Filters