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Welcome to the Tripetto SDK

🙋‍♂️ This SDK helps building powerful and deeply customizable forms for your application, web app, or website.

👩‍💻 Create and run forms and surveys without depending on external services.

💸 Developing a custom form solution is tedious and expensive. Instead, use Tripetto and save time and money!

🌎 Trusted and used by organizations around the globe, including Fortune 500 companies.

📄 In a nutshell

Tripetto is a full-fledged form kit. It contains a powerful graphical form builder (form designer) that lets you build smart flowing forms and surveys like flowcharts. You can use this builder as a standalone tool or implement it in your web apps or websites. To run forms, you can use one of Tripetto's stock runners (out-of-the-box form UIs) or build your custom form UI. Tripetto supports advanced logic features in its core. It is also extendible with custom blocks (question types).

✔️ Features

🔎 How it works

To get a quick feeling with how the SDK works, have a look at our How It Works demo. It lets you play with the form builder which outputs a form definition in JSON format. You use that JSON form definition in a form runner which handles form rendering, complex logic and response collection. The runner captures collected data in a JSON format for delivery directly to your endpoint. From there on you can take charge of data storage without any dependencies on unwanted infrastructure.

🖱️ Try it

Play Try on CodeSandbox

Tripetto Studio

Another great example of the Tripetto SDK in an end-user application is the Tripetto Studio web app. A free online tool for anyone who wants to create a form or survey (learn more).

🚀 Quickstart

🏗️ Form builder

Integrate Tripetto's form builder and equip your web app with powerful form-building capabilities. The builder generates a ready-to-use JSON form definition that can be supplied to a runner (which turns it into a usable form).

Implement builder using plain JS Implement builder using React Implement builder using Angular Implement builder using HTML


If you don't need a builder integration in your application, you can also use the Tripetto Studio or the CLI tool to create a form and then embed that form using one of the stock runners.

🏃 Form runner

Embed a Tripetto form in your website or application and start collecting responses. Simply add a runner and supply it with a JSON form definition generated by the builder.

Implement builder using plain JS Implement builder using React Implement builder using Angular Implement builder using HTML

🎓 Assumptions

These docs assume that you are already familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some of the tools from the latest standards, such as classes and modules. The code samples are written using TypeScript.

📂 Open source

Tripetto's source code is hosted on GitLab.

®️ Trademark

Tripetto is a registered trademark.