How It Works

The SDK is designed for fast implementation in straightforward cases as well as deep integration into advanced applications.

First, integrate the form builder

The drag-and-drop builder is for creating advanced forms on the magnetic storyboard and works in all mainstream browsers.

Tripetto Form Builder loading...
// Import the builder JavaScript function
import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

// Start the builder
const builder =;

// Listen for the save event
builder.onSave = (definition) => {
  // Save the form definition somewhere
// Import the builder React component
import { TripettoBuilder } from "@tripetto/builder/react";

// Drop the builder component in your React app
<TripettoBuilder onSave={(definition) => {
  // Save the form definition somewhere
}} />
  selector: "app-root",
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  // Invoked when the form is saved
  formSaved(definition) {
    // Save the form definition somewhere
<script src=""></script>
  // Start the builder
  var builder =;

  // Listen for the save event
  builder.onSave = function(definition) {
    // Save the form definition somewhere
<script src=""></script>
  // Start the builder
  var builder =;

  // Listen for the save event
  builder.onSave = function(definition) {
    // Save the form definition somewhere
View code

The builder captures all of the form’s structure, logic and contents in a JSON-formatted form definition.

Build a form in the builder above to see the form definition in JSON here.

then embed the form runner,

The runner is for parsing form definitions and handles form rendering, complex logic and response collection.

and take charge of data.

Forms and data are exclusively self-hosted by you. Nothing touches any other platform, unless you let it.

Get a full-fledged form solution going in minutes

The SDK nails forms.See what’s in the kit.

Explore SDK Components

Get a license quote instantly.

Whether you need a paid license, and which license is required, depends on multiple factors. Run through the form to see what you need and get an instant quote for your FormBuilder SDK license.

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Kickstart things in a free live chat.

We’ve bundled everything there is to know into extensive docs with live examples, guides, and API’s. But if you want to kickstart things, reach out to us directly in a live introductory chat, free of charge.

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Schedule a free call with a dev.

If you don’t have just one or two quick questions, but want to dive a little deeper into how best to use the FormBuilder SDK in your app, schedule an introductory call with a developer, free of charge.

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