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Builder license

To use the builder in an end-user application, you need a license in the form of a license code. The license code needs to be supplied to the builder so it can be verified. The license code is a digital signature where the public key (used to verify the signature) is generated from the domain name(s) that hosts your application. That allows your license key to be public (since it will only work on the domains specified in the license). It also makes it possible to verify it without making contact with external license verification services.


The license code is a digital signature that is verified using a public key based on the domain that is specified in the license. No external services and/or connections are used to verify a license.

Obtaining a license

Please go to our pricing page to learn more about the available Tripetto licenses.

Supplying a license to the builder

The license code needs to be supplied to the builder during instance construction using the license property:

import { Builder } from "@tripetto/builder";

const builder = new Builder({
license: /* Please supply your license code here... */

What happens if there is no license?

Not much. Everything still works, but a small watermark is shown in the builder to indicate that it is being used without a proper license.